
Saturday 15 December 2018

Christmas Market & A Church Concert


Today I took the bus into the city centre shortly in the afternoon. There was a sort of scattered Christmas market going on, but I only had a quick look  (and a sniff!) while passing…


My destination was a church concert: Handel’s Messiah, in Mozart’s arrangement, performed by a local choir and orchestra. A friend of mine was in the choir. I’m no musical expert, but to my ears it was a wonderful performance, and both the atmosphere and the acoustics in this beautiful old church are absolutely perfect for this kind of music. (As for the Mozart arrangement, the conductor explained before the concert started that -among other things- this involves more instruments being used than in Handel’s original version. That’s the kind of thing I wouldn’t have been able to tell myself… I enjoy listening, but I’m not good at “analysing” music.)

I resisted from taking any photos during the actual concert – but snapped this shot just afterwards (with my mobile), while the audience was clapping.


  1. Great job on the picture! To me, the more instruments the better. I bet your friend was delighted that you came. The church is beautiful!

    1. This church is beautifully decorated inside, and it's from around the same time period as Handel as well. The church's 350th anniversary will be celebrated throughout next year.

  2. There's quite a few people there, looks like they are enjoying it too.

  3. the photo came out really good, and good of you to not take pics during it. I find it distracting with people holding up phones during any perferomance, even on TV watching one. I would like that market

    1. Sandra, I did not see anyone taking photos during this concert although there was no special request not to. It was just in the atmosphere somehow, I think. But when the concert had ended and applause was going on and they had started thanking each other up front ... then I felt it must be ok :) (I was sitting right by the aisle so didn't need to make any "fuss" about it)

  4. "The Messiah" is a wonderful piece of music, very moving; I guess it must "speak" in some way even to those who do not believe in its message.
    Were the orchestra and choir all together in the apsis? It does not look like a very large group; all the more important that each and every one of them really knows their stuff!


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