
Monday 21 January 2019

At Long Last...

… Four months after the election back in September 2018, Sweden has a new government. Actually it’s the same prime minister and mostly the same people in the cabinet as before, and all from the same two parties: the Social Democrats + the Green Party. The main difference lies in the new government now relying on backup support from the Centre and Liberal parties (in the “middle” of Swedish politics). This is what has taken them four months to sort out, as it involves a lot of compromises and a historic reararrangement of previous alliances in Swedish politics.The priority in the new agreement has been to stop right-wing extremism from too much influence in the parliament. 

The photo of the Swedish flag is my own. The one below, of the new government, is copied from official media today. The road ahead of them is likely to still be slippery; but I wish them luck.


  1. In a situation like you describe does the old government continue on ruling until the new government is installed? I am imagining it does, it is interesting to imagine the "gap" period.

    1. Yes Terra, in accordance with our laws the old government has continued to act as transition government, even if with somewhat limited power. Meanwhile, a statutory process has been carried out, involving the candidates for the post of prime minister seeking enough support in the parliament to form a new government. The law allows four such attempts; if the fourth attempt fails (in the parliament), a new election must be held. In this case, it was the third round of negotiations that lead to a result. There was just too much of a risk that a new election would not have solved the outcome either. So finally, enough of the parties managed to agree on a set of compromises.

  2. your flag is absolutely beautiful.. I wish them much luck. I can't even begin to talk about our govt.

    1. Sandra, I don't usually write (or talk) a lot about politics either. This election will probably be counted as historic (in Sweden), though, so I felt I wanted to at least make note of it... Whatever may happen next!

  3. Your flag picture is beautiful! I hope it was taken recently, because it looks like blue skies! The Swedish flag is one of the prettiest.

    1. Ginny, the photo is from back in the summer. But we have had sunny days more recently as well. :)

  4. It's a lovely flag. Hope all the politics in your country work out well.

  5. Phew! Do you remember when Germany was in a very similar situation, not all that long ago? It seemed like they were stuck for ages; it took them a long time to sort it out.

    1. Yes Meike, I remember... And there have been similar situations in other countries as well, I think.

  6. So when you mentioned the green party is that like an environmental group like our green party here in NZ?

    1. Yes Amy. The Swedish name of the party is Miljö-partiet, and 'miljö' is the Swedish word for environment. They're a small party here but they have been in the government together with the Social Democrats (still our biggest party) since 2014.

  7. Anything that stops extremism has to be a Good Thing.


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