
Saturday 12 January 2019


2019-01 boots

We had rain in between my snowy Thursday post and the sunset Friday post, so the snow from Thursday is all gone now. But back to frost again this morning, and again partly icy and slippery streets…

I took the bus into town for a few errands, including looking for a new pair of winter boots. Since I only knew that I wanted them to be warm, comfortable and really nonslippery, I expected the search to probably take some time. However, this is how it went:

I went into the shoe shop that happened to be the most convenient place for me to start. Right inside the entrance, my eyes fell on this boot on a shelf. It was the very first item I saw. I took it down to inspect it further. It had a note on it, telling me that it had a sole with both metallic and rubber studs, which would permit me to walk both on icy ground and on hard indoor surfaces without slipping. Just the kind of thing I wanted; but did not even know existed. The boot I took down happened to be my size. I tried it on. While I was doing so, a shop assistant turned up and asked if he could help. I asked to try on the other one as well, and he fetched it. They felt really comfortable. I chatted a bit with the assistant while walking a few steps with them in the shop. (He praised them as well, of course.) Why look further? I bought them and left – and doubt I spent more than five minutes in the store! It may be my quickest footwear purchase ever! Now I just hope they’ll prove to be as good as they sound. (I haven’t tried them outdoors yet; but no doubt I’ll have the opportunity very soon…)



  1. Hi there. Been away from blogging so long due to some family health issues, and a crashed computer..the computer is fixed and my dearest hopefully will be fit as a fiddle soon.

    LOVE your new boots. Wow, that must be a record for boot shopping. HaHa.
    I just bought a new pair of boots too...mine was not quite so quick. Must post a picture of them too. I do love boots even though I live in Sunny CA.

    1. Wanda - Good news about your husband, and I'm glad for you that you got your computer fixed as well.

  2. These sound quite amazing, I have never heard of this kind. What luck, it takes us many days and lots of stores when we need footwear. Now, what does impregnate mean?

    1. Ginny, in this case it means using a protective spray to make the boots more weatherproof. (Can be used on both leather/suede and fabrics.)

  3. I love those boots! Last year a friend of mine gave me a spare pair she had and they are so comfortable.

  4. What a nice shopping experience and how easy a purchase that turned out to be. I had an easy experience buying boots too, as a Christmas gift from me to me.

  5. It is great to be so lucky with the first item you look at! Why indeed check out other shops. The double use of the soles is a good idea. I am not so keen on suede, as I find it suffers too much when it gets wet, but I am sure you'll use protective spray and will be fine for many snowy walks.

    1. Meike, I tend to agree (about suede shoes) but as I'll mostly be using them for walking on pavement (not in deep snow or mud) I don't think it will be a problem.

  6. wow, I have never bought shoes that quickly and I really like the look of these and the sound of what they do.. can't wait to hear the first outing... how do we impregnant a shoe. of course I investigoogled it but it doesn't really say how to do it. hope it came with instructions. waiting for a post on how you did it

    1. Sandra, I already had a spray can of that impregnation stuff at home. It's for making shoes and outer garments (leather, suede and textiles) more water repellent. You probably don't have much use for it in Florida... I doubt it offers enough protection against occasional hurricanes and flooding!

  7. The soles sound very clever. I hope they work as well as they say. I enjoyed your title, by the way.

    1. Graham, I gave the boots a proper test-walk today, on frozen slush. It was raining but the rain froze when it hit the ground - among the most treacherous kind of slipperiness there is, at it's often hard to see where the icy patches are. I was amazed at how well the studded soles of the boots worked. With any other boots/shoes I'd probably have cut my walk very short, but with these I felt ok to go where I had intended to go. I don't think I'll regret the purchase!


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