
Tuesday 5 February 2019


In case anyone is wondering why I've spent so much time reading lately, instead of being "out and about"...

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Last Thursday, I made an attempt to walk to the supermarket, but gave up half-way, because beyond that point, the sidewalks were either not plowed at all, or pure hard ice. I looked at them, and turned around... The few items I wanted just weren't worth it!

Since then, we have had a lot more snow coming down, and temperatures alternating between just below and just over freezing point - causing a lot of traffic chaos, also including collisions between buses in the city centre. So I've not felt tempted to take the bus into town either, unless I really need to.

Instead I decided to just be thankful (as always) for the possibility nowadays to order groceries online, with home delivery. I've been making use of this service regularly since it was introduced here around four years ago - normally twice a month (and buying a few extras manually in between if needed). But the frequency is entirely up to myself. So this week I put in my order early; and had it delivered today. So ready to face another week of hibernation, if I have to. ;)

The photo above was snapped when I took the garbage out. (I do still have to go out for that... )



  1. That does look treacherous. Our weather temp has gone from zero fahrenheit to 65 fahrenheit in one week. Now everything has melted and since we had the most rain on record in PA last year the garden is a quagmire. Happy winter. Keep safe.

    1. Doing my best, thanks :) Thanks for visiting my blog, not sure if we've "met" before!

  2. You mean it snows in Sweden? What a surprise! I guess the coconut palms and orange groves suffer in such weather.

    1. YP, somehow snow always seems to come as a surprise, every year... If not to the average citizen, at least to the authorities in charge of the logistics (and finances) involved in clearing the roads!

      The palms around here go into hibernation in winter. (And then when summer approaches, they will magically appear again along the riverside promenade - in their big pots...) As for the orange trees, the last I heard was that they went to live with the elephants in the zoo. (I'm not kidding! They tried having orange trees in a restaurant building in the park, but it was too dark for them, so they were relocated to the new elephant house at the zoo. I've not heard any more about them since then...)

  3. What a blessing this service is! Will they deliver drugs as well? So you don't ever have to go outside! I am glad you are playing it safe. On your last post, I described what a funnel cake is.

    1. No Ginny, the supermarkets do not deliver drugs. I think there are pharmacies with online service but if they use ordinary postal services that's no help, as then I'd have to go somewhere to pick up the parcel anyway. And then I could just as well /better!/ go to one of the pharmacies in town in the first place! (I can see how it could be helpful for people living in the countryside, though.) As for my regular meds, I try to think ahead and make sure I have enough at home.

  4. I wonder how the delivery vehicles get on, it must not be an easy job in any kind of weather, but especially hard right now.
    If I could stay in and work from home, I'd probably do that all winter! We do not have snow here right now (on the contrary, sunny days and temperatures up to 11 or even 12 C forecast for the weekend), but I don't believe we'll get away without any more snow and ice before spring truly arrives.

    1. PS: I love the Snoopy cartoon!

    2. Yes, I'm sure many deliveries get delayed because of the snow as well. I actually took it into account with my order this week and booked an afternoon delivery rather than before lunch - as more snow was predicted, and I know they don't always get round to ploughing the back streets until later in the day...

  5. I am smiling because as I read this post, Publix is advertising order your groceires on line and have them deliverd today on the TV.. I would do the same thing, to much danger of a fall out there in all that ice


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