
Sunday 24 February 2019

Seek And Ye Shall Find


Christmas Rose

In yesterday's post, I said I had not yet found any signs of spring in the form of spring flowers outdoors... Now I have! Only went for a short walk today, but found these growing in a flowerbed outside one of the apartment buildings not far from my own. (Photos taken with my phone.) The big surprise was the Christmas Rose, as I can't remember seeing those around here before!


  1. What a fabulous find! I don't think I have ever heard of the Christmas Rose, they are beautiful. I like the way they droop before blooming, and resemble white drops.

    1. Ginny, the first photo is of Snowdrops - not the same plant as in the following two. Sorry I was a bit unclear when writing the text to this post (I've added captions to the photos now).

  2. yay for spring flowers popping up... love that last shot

  3. I think I know these flowers as Christrose in German and Hellebore in English. It was one of my Grandma's favourite flowers.
    On our hike yesterday, we saw many early spring flowers, mostly aconites and snowdrops, but also crocus and what we call Winterjasmin with its pretty yellow flowers.

  4. Today on my morning walk I saw gorse in flower. My daffodils and crocusses are in flower too and some have even survived the gales.

    1. Graham, it's amazing what plants can survive sometimes!

  5. Lovely! early Spring for you and early Autumn for us.


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