
Thursday 9 May 2019

Dagny, 107 and still blogging

This is not about me, but about a rather famous Swedish blogger, who celebrated her 107th birthday yesterday. Yes, you read that right. Her name is Dagny Carlsson,  and she was born 8 May, 1912. In her youth, she worked as a seamstress at a factory; and later in life studied at a textile institute.

(Photo of Dagny copied from a fan page on Facebook)

At the venerable age of 99, she took a computer course; and at 100 became famous as the oldest blogger in Sweden. At 107, she is still blogging away - I think more or less daily - and has become quite a media person. She has been on several TV-shows, has met the king and queen, and also had a small role in a film - The 101-Year-Old Man Who Skipped Out on the Bill and Disappeared (2016). (Sequel to The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed out of the Window and Disappeared, 2013.

In the film, she played an old lady living in the retirement home that the main character in those films runs away from. In real life, Dagny still lives in her own flat in Stockholm, with only a little help from home care service. In a recent interview (on TV a couple of days ago) she said that they now come and help her get out of bed in the morning, and put her to bed in the evening, even though she does not really feel herself that she needs that. After they've gone, she usually gets up again - to blog, or play at patience...

In previous interviews, when asked what makes a long life, she has answered along the lines of "good genes and curiosity". She thinks it is important to keep up with what is happening in the world, and also to keep one's appearance neat.

Yesterday was her 107th birthday and she blogged about it after the home care staff had been and gone in the evening... She had people visiting between 12-16 and then dinner with relatives at some restaurant in the evening. She received a personal letter from the Queen; and a lot of greetings from readers of her blog. (The blog is in Swedish of course, but there are some recent photos.)

I also found this link to a documentary with commentary in English from when whe was 105: Computers keep you young, centenarian blogger says

It's impossible not to be impressed! ;)


  1. Hats off to Dagny for not being afraid of learning something new no matter what age, and for understanding how much personal neatness and hygiene can do for one's wellbeing.
    Thank you for telling us about her, Monica!

    1. She's an inspiration for us all to keep at it, Meike :)

  2. Wow, this lady is amazing! She must have excellent genes. It would be interesting to know how long other members of her family lived.

    1. Ginny, I don't think I've heard any details about how long other members of her family lived.

  3. You are correct! It is impossible not to be impressed. Swedish people are making a mark fo themselves on the World stage at the moment.

    1. Graham, as citizen of the World you probably know more than me of our reputation beyond the borders of our own country! ;)

  4. I looked at her blog, and she is precious. I am impressed just reading what you wrote about her. I was happy to see she said curiosity was part of a long life, which means with the size of my curiosity bump I may live forever . he he I need to learn something new and keep thinking I will but don't

    1. Sandra, by being curious and observing, you're learning new things all the time.

  5. She is a heroine. Great you posted her achievement but age is more accident than conscious achievement. Well done to her all the same.

    1. Adrian, I think she would be the first to agree with you. She has also said things like it can also be very lonely to survive all one's friends from the past. But when one does, one just has to make the best of it!

  6. I hope at that age I"ll be just as eager to try new things.


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