
Saturday 15 June 2019

Time Travelling

Oops, I see it's been over a week since I last put in a post here. This will be a quick one just to reassure you that I'm still "around"...

... even if I kind of feel like I've spent the past week "travelling in time" ... From the early 1900s (continuing to explore old inherited postcards), to WWII (reading a new biography about Count Folke Bernadotte) - to about a month into the future (making plans for a little summer holiday trip with my brother again)...


  1. I can't wait to hear all about your trip! will you book rooms in advance, or just do whatever strikes you at the time? How far away does he live? Lovely daisies!

    1. Ginny, booking rooms was one of the things that kept me busy this week. When it comes to lodging, I dare not leave it to improvising - that's for the young and the brave, with no aches and pains or sleeping problems...

  2. oh ya on the coming trip. i know it will be a good one like the last one you took with him. i have not seen my brother since 2008, and have never taken a trip with him. that is sad

    1. Sandra, for the two of us, both being single, the trips have been a good way to spend a bit of 'quality' time together after we sold the ancestral home.

  3. It's amazing how often I need/want to write something similar these days. There's so much going on in life.


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