
Tuesday 18 June 2019

'Where have all the birdies gone?'

Went for a walk to the 'bird sanctuary' lake today. It's been a while since I was last there. A couple of years ago the rare birds were moved to new homes, while they (people - not the birds!) were laying down pipes for long-distance heating around/across/beneath this lake. 

I was curious to see what it looked like now. I found that the foot path along the lake had been restored; but the old bird sanctuary enclosure is still empty. At the moment, the only birds to be seen were ordinary mallards and seagulls.  

The mallards were quite keen to pose for photos, though.

Hello! Are you looking for us? Just wait a moment...

Let us tidy ourselves up a bit...


 Getting ready for the duck-walk...

A bit further along the shore, there was also a Mum with ducklings. (I zoomed them in from a distance, not to disturb them.)

The gulls like to sit on the poles supporting a net used to fence off the part of the lake where the rare birds used to live.

The bird sanctuary (built in 1926) is empty at the moment. The only "exciting" thing about it just now is that you're allowed to walk in and get a closer look at some of the buildings.


 Looking rather sad and abandoned at the moment, though.

 PS. If you click on the label 'bird sanctuary' you will find earlier posts from the same place.


  1. What brilliant and sharp photos!! I just love your Mallard narration! And you captured their colors beautifully. Favorite photo is #5. Do you think the other birds will return this summer?

    1. Ginny, I don't know what the plans are. I doubt they will move the exact same birds back again, if they're 'happy' in their new homes (where ever that may be).

  2. It's a pretty spot, hopefully the rest of the birds will come in due time.

    1. Amy, I'm not sure what the plans are for the old enclosure. Wild birds tend to come and go as they please... Like wild swans and geese often landing here for a while on their way south vs north.

  3. That must have been a very pleasant walk by the lake, and interesting to be able to get up close to the sanctuary buildings. I am sure the birds are well cared for at their interim home and will be moved back eventually.

    1. Meike, I'm not sure what the plans are. If the birds that had to be moved are happy where they are now, I suppose not much point in moving the same individuals back. But maybe there will be new ones? Time will tell!

  4. those baby ducklings filled my heart with joy. the ducks are so pretty and I love the one grooming itself... I hope one day the birds will be back, it is a perfect place for them...

    1. Sandra, I do hope they'll do "something" with the place, not just let it fall into decay. But perhaps they intend to do some repairs... I don't know!

  5. I've just realised why this post is still sitting open on my browser. I haven't commented. I got distracted when I first read it because I wandered off to vie the other posts (I remember particularly the picture of the gulls on posts). It seems a shame that the birds have not yet been reintroduced.

    1. They may be intending to make some changes, I suppose. I think I may have read something about it in the newspaper a while back but I can't remember now!


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