
Monday 15 July 2019

Somewhere by the Sea

Hello! (Feels like I've been away a long time, although in fact it was only one week!) ... I'm back from my holiday trip with my brother to the south-west coast of Sweden; with around 762 photos as souvenirs... (gasp) A number which will no doubt just keep multiplying during the sorting-and-editing process...! ;) 

Not sure yet how best to blog about it, so I decided to just start with a "random" teaser from the last day of the trip. On Saturday, we were travelling back up along the coast of Halland. I had read about a huge iron age burial field on the coast there, said to have around 200 mounds and 50 flat stone circles. One might think that would not be too difficult to find (the largest mound said to be 2 m high with a diameter of 30 m), but...

We blame the GPS...! ;)

Never mind, though, because instead, we found this charming little seashell beach with views towards... er...  Anyway, we decided to just enjoy that, rather than to continue the search!


And we obviously weren't the first to find our way to this place, because on the rock surfaces nearby there were rock carvings going back to... well, not the iron age, but at least to the 1880s...

Linking to: Through My Lens No 200
Through My Lens


  1. What a wonderful find, thanks to your GPS! Ours has let us down badly lately, but never presented us with a nice surprise like this. So many shells, I have never seen so many in one place. And the water looks so blue and clean.

    1. Ginny, it was a small beach, but I've never seen so many shells in one place before either!

  2. It's a beautiful, quiet beach - no other people about, even though the sun was out and it was a Saturday.
    I am looking forward to seeing more of your trip!

    1. Meike, even though it was the "wrong" place it was still "right", because picking shells on a beach was also on my (mental) wish-list for this holiday! :)

  3. great ending to your trip and great start for the first post. love that beach. our beaches used to have shells like that when I was a child, now all the shells are gone, gathered to be sold for money.

    1. What a pity about your beaches being all shelled out for commercial purposes. I always loved walking along a beach and picking up the odd shell or pebble here and there. Buying is not the same as finding them yourself.


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