
Sunday 1 September 2019

Baskets (Sepia Saturday)

The Sepia Saturday prompt this week shows a big collection of baskets. There may be other baskets hiding here and there in my photo albums, but what sprang first to mind to for me was picnics in my childhood. Especially when visiting my paternal grandparents, we often went on "coffee picnics" that included a proper old-fashioned basket. 

As illustrated by my mum in my first photo album:

This is from June 1957, so I'm around 1 year + 10 months old here. (And as you may conclude, a bit of rain didn't stop us!)

Some time in the early 1980s, I inherited three of my grandmother's sturdy old baskets - spotted, dusty and worn, but still intact. I cleaned them and painted them with egg oil tempera (of my own mix); and I am using them still. I keep a lot of baskets in different sizes around my flat as I find them very useful for storing all those little things that otherwise just tend to spread themselves out all over the place. 

The three above are those that belonged to my grandmother (and were "old" already in my early childhood). The blue one (originally unpainted) is the biggest, and that may be the one that was used for picnics. Nowadays a decorative holder for "various" stuff in my living room. The green one (also originally unpainted) is slightly smaller. I use that for my "gardening" stuff, and it lives in a nook by the door to balcony. The third one (smaller still) had original flower decorations on its sides which I wanted to keep, so I just painted the handle and rims on that one. That one too sits on a sideboard in my living room.

Periodically over the years, I have painted some more (smaller) baskets, which I bought (new) for that purpose. (Sometimes using hobby paint, easier than tempera as it dries faster.) Taking a turn round my flat, I found all these still in use... (The red one in a cupboard, but it will change places with the yellow one in winter - on my kitchen table.)

 Linking to:


  1. I really like the painting of the baskets in bright bold colors. mother had two of the type in the last collage, that is painted red and green on the left. she used them for picking veggies and for picnics. you are right about the storage, I have 2 that are used for dog toys and magazines. they are boring natural color though.. I have plastic baskets in closets and cabinets for storing things

    1. Sandra, your comment reminds me that I have other kinds of baskets as well. Like a big brown wicker one for newspapers (once a week I take most of them to the recycling bin, and only keep the last few issues), and a narrow white one without handle for recent magazines and leaflets etc (which I empty when it gets full), and ...

  2. I think the baskets are really gay and much more attractive that the plastic ones I use in cupboards and all over my workshop. I'm not sure they would suit my house though.

    1. Graham, "to each his own", I think the expression is...? I often see things (art or whatever) that I like, but that would still look out of place in my own home.

  3. I love all of your painted baskets! And your mother's illustration in the photo album is so special.

  4. What a beautiful collection! I collect baskets, and have many big plastic keepers full of them. I change them out periodically. But very few are painted like these. What a wonderful job you did! They really do look like new. Even the mostly unpainted one looks so good. What a cute picture of you!! Your Mom was quite an artist.

    1. Ginny - Yes, I appreciate the drawings mum made in my early photo albums. Later in life she turned more to textile art, like tie-dye, patchwork and embroidery. I was never any good with needle and thread, but have enjoyed a bit of painting from time to time.

  5. You have some pretty baskets. Somehow I only have one, and didn't even think of it when this prompt appeared! It's kind of ordinary but does hold a collection of things.

  6. You talented gal, you! Love your baskets. Your flat must be very colorful.

    1. LaN, my flat in itself (walls and floors etc) is very neutral, so textiles and "things" is how I add colour.

  7. Such beautiful baskets, and how lovely to still have and treasure the ones that were already "old" when you were little! You did a great job painting them, they still (or again) look like I think they would want to look.
    Who made the drawing of the Kaffeutflykt next to your toddler photo?

    1. Oh, stupid me! "As illustrated by my Mum..." it says clearly enough! And that's even with my new specs on...

    2. You answered your own question, Meike :) And yes, I like it that I have some things with a bit of history that goes back even before my own time.

  8. How wonderful to be putting inherited baskets to use...and the drawing by your mother is beautiful! I am also a basket person -- so many uses and great decorative containers. You have given me a good idea about painting some of them!

    1. Molly, one good thing about painting baskets yourself is that you can get the right colours to match where/how you want to use it. :)

  9. A very artistic and crafty post. My wife is a fanatical hunter of wild mushrooms, we have dozens of baskets around that deserve a decorative treatment like yours, so I'm inspired now to get out my paintbrush.

    1. Sounds like you have a new hobby waiting to be explored, Mike! :)

  10. I love how you have your grandmother's basket, this is something to cherish. I have my grandmother's sewing basket I still use.

    1. Amy, I do appreciate the objects I have that "connect me to the past" :)

  11. I love the beautiful colours in your painted baskets. Here in Scotland, if you let a bit if rain stop you, you would not do anything.


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