
Wednesday 18 September 2019

Clothes Swapping


The weather is getting more and more autumn-like, and I'm beginning to feel the need to change the contents of my wardrobes from light summer dresses to warm woolly cardigans...

Living in a textile-focused city, every now and then I read/hear about various clothes swapping events; but as far as I can remember, I haven't yet really taken part in one. (I have handed in a few items for one or two such events - primarily wanting to get rid of them! - but I can't recall finding anything I wanted in return.)

Luckily, I have my own private clothes-swapping system, though - which means that every spring and autumn I shift some clothes between the wardrobes in my flat, and my basement storage room - and forget about the ones in storage for a while! Yesterday, in connection with washing day, I felt it was time to start the autumn swap. In particular, there was a certain long cardigan and a pair of "winter" trousers that I wanted, and did remember that I had put away. However, when I got down to the storage room, I discovered several more items of winter clothing that I had totally forgotten about! (Or at least had not been missing them yet...) Probably a good idea both in autumn and in spring to check my own storage spaces before I'm tempted to go out and buy something new (only to come back home with something and then later discover that I already had something very similar - which I have to confess has happened... As I do tend to feel drawn towards certain styles and colours!) 

As for the photos above, I may possibly have blogged these before - but I'm pretty sure they're not from my own wardrobe...! ;)  (They are from a fashion exhibition at the Textile Museum last summer, 2018.)


  1. I love them! And do not remember seeing them at all. They are so creative and eye popping! The last one is actually pretty. the first one, I wonder what the heads are made from and how they can see. I actually think even the second one are wearable, without the hats.

    1. Ginny, they're certainly a challenge and I think would cause a raised eyebrow or two out on the streets, even in our day and time when fashion is really so varied that it's hard to tell what's "in" our "out" at the moment...

  2. ha ha on these being from your closet. that is kind of neat to find things you forgot aabout, like going shopping for new items. it gets pretty boring here, we wear the same clothes year round and I can't justify buying new, because there is nothing wrong with what I have. I did buy ZEBRA print leggings. no photos yet

    1. Oh Sandra, you're missing out on all the joys of padded winter coats, knitted sweaters and scarves, furry boots and gloves... (haha)

  3. Impending winter (which was yesterday; today being absolutely beautiful summer-like weather) meant that yesterday I was looking for a warm fleece jacket to go out in the evening. I found it in the third place in which I 'hide' clothes I'm not wearing long term.

    1. Well at least you remembered that you had one, and managed to find it! :)


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