
Monday 16 December 2019

December 16 - Monday

The Old Observatory in Lund (Sweden)

Lund Observatory is the official English name for the astronomy department at Lund University. The old observatory building from 1867 is located in a cultural-heritage protected park. There is a new observatory (from 2001) at the new university campus.

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea,
during the time of King Herod,
Magi from the East came to Jerusalem and asked,
"Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?
We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."
(Matthew 2:1-2)
 Yes, my Christmas crib is up again. :)


  1. Your nativity set is lovely! I don't remember ever seeing it. The observatory looks part old and part modern.

  2. Interesting, isn't it, how the notion came about that "three Kings" came to visit Jesus while he was still in the manger, when really the Bible never says that, but speaks instead of Magi (without numbering them) and by that time Joseph and Mary were certainly not in the stable anymore. But it is, like so many other parts of our Christmas legends and culture, a good story and worth keeping.
    Your nativity is sweet, and you know which one is my favourite bit about it :-)

    1. Meike, the legend of "three Kings" probably has to do with the three gifts the Magi brought (gold, incense and myrrh, + some of the prophecies in the Old Testament. And I'd say the reason why this kind of nativity scene has survived for centuries is that it still sums up the message of Jesus being born a "different kind of king". It captures humble background and sovereign power all in one image, so to say. :)

  3. I like the building but not the white parts, must be newly added or painted.. beautiful nativity set.


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