
Friday 28 February 2020

Skywatch Friday

Dogon by Claes Hake

Just as we had all given up any expectations of seeing "real" winter at all in the southern parts of Sweden this winter ... Suddenly the temperatures dropped, the rain turned into snow for a couple of days - and then, yesterday, the sky turned magically blue, and the sun decided to show its face as well. I took my camera for a walk into the city center and a stroll around the park. Besides the various permanent works of art there, I also found a couple of temporary surprises by Unknown artists (the last two photos)...

Upside Down by Claes Hake

Hotel Grand (Borås, Sweden)

Mural by Fintan Magee

The Lynx by Arvid Knöppel (1952)

Mate Hunting by Marianne Lindberg De Geer

Vibration by Xavier Veilhan

"Here today, gone tomorrow..." ▼

SkyWatch Friday


  1. So pretty to have that blue sky after a snow. Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thanks SPP. Yes, a blue sky makes a good background to almost anything, doesn't it! :)

  2. there is not a single photo that I don't love love love! if I had to pick a favorite I think it is vibration. so much beauty, I know you were glad you took your camera for a walk, the art is amazing but the snow and sky is even better. good job

    1. Sandra, the sunny days have been few and far between this winter, so always good when one manages to "make good use of them" :)

  3. Wow! These look like regular snowmen, but seeing as they have a name, they must be some kind of art! What are they made of? So they would be here today, and still here the next day! I love the rabbit, he looks familiar. Have you posted him before? Vibration is wild genius! It looks like the picture is shaking! And look at the wheels! Both of us got a huge kick out of it. The Lynx is my next favorite.

    1. Ginny, as far as I know the snowmen were made by people just having fun in the snow. It was I who "named" them when I wrote the post... Seeing them as a sort of temporary street art, in among all the permanent works of art in the park. ;-)

  4. Just in time before the start of March! The blizzard we had here on Thursday afternoon lasted about an hour, but by the time I left work, the snow had turned into rain and was largely gone from the ground.
    Today, we're expecting temperatures as high as 14C, and rain.

    1. Meike, looks like we're in for another week of "mixed" (=unpredictable) weather here.


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