
Thursday 19 March 2020

Thankful Thursday

Sometimes we need: a safe nest, strong protective walls and boundaries, but also some gates (possibilities) kept open... 

Thoughts from a walk the other day around an old cemetery close to where I live - another good place for me to go walking without risk of running into too many people. I also find it quite a good place to meditate about Life and count my blessings, though. (Like, all the possibilities nowadays to keep in touch with others even in times of isolation...)


  1. I like your thoughts on safe nest, strong walls and gates. Those are all so important. Be well and of good cheer. If you would like a card from me, see my blog post today.

    1. Thanks Terra. I just sent you an email! :)

  2. Thank you, Monica, for reminding me of Thankful Thursday. I echo your words. They are very apt and insightful.

    1. Graham, I was struggling to think of a title for the post, but then I remembered it was Thursday, and a good time to pick up the Thankful theme!

  3. just think how awful this virus thing would be with out computers and phones and blogs and all techie stuff, much better with high tech

    1. Sandra, when I first had to go into early retirement (because of neck/arm injury), before I was even 50, and before blogging (and FB), I felt a lot more isolated than I do now - even if most of my daily contacts now are with people very far away from me geographically, there's almost always someone "there", never mind what time of day/night!

  4. Cemeteries are good places for walking, looking, and thinking. I love this wall!!

    1. Ginny, in the past I never used to visit cemeteries very often, but since I moved to where I live now (very close to one), I've been walking there frequently.

  5. Dear Monica, you expressed some very good thoughts, very poignant, and once again it is walking that inspires us most, doesn't it!

    1. Meike, I'm very thankful that I'm not in strict quarantine and not allowed out at all. That must be very frustrating.

  6. To whom it may concern: I removed a comment on this post as suspected spam because my Turkish is not good enough to make head or tail of the message (nor the website it was linked to).


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