
Saturday 28 March 2020

Weekend Reflections / Social Distancing Continued

The weather is still sunny, and the temperature "chilly spring" - as in people still wearing winter clothes, but more and more signs of spring showing up in nature nevertheless.

Yesterday the Swedish government declared organized meetings involving more than 50 people forbidden. Still far from the total lock-down in many other countries, though. (For better or for worse, only the future will be able to judge.) Everyone with any kind of flu/cold symptoms is of course (still) supposed to stay home; and people over 70 or in a risk group are urged to keep isolated and minimize all contact with others. Little Red Riding Hood is not supposed to go visiting grandmother (or the other way round) - and everyone else as well is strongly advised to think twice (or more) before undertaking any kind of travel.

I'm still going out for daily walks (not breaking any rules) but keeping away from people. Like last week, I've also stayed away from the city centre during the week - but decided once again to go that way today (Saturday morning), to buy myself another bouquet of tulips (provided the flower shop was not crowded - and it wasn't) ... and generally check on the progress of spring.

Even the ducks seem to be practicing social distancing and "three is a crowd" just now.

Out of the twelve stone chairs in the square (a permanent sculpture art installation), only one was occupied. Certainly no crowds of 50 to be seen.

A new addition is a green mini square with colourful footprints at respectful distance from each other. And a sign saying something like "a safe place to meet". (Mostly meant as a reminder to keep your distance, I think.)

Services in the Church of Sweden churches in our city have been cancelled for this Sunday (tomorrow), in order to follow the new restrictions.

The cherry trees beginning to blossom are a reminder of new life on the other side of winter...

On my way home, after my visit to the flower shop, I passed by this place, which is a small arts and crafts shop and gallery, where local artists sell their handicraft. I recalled having seen an ad for a current exhibition, and decided to take a look through the door to see if it was crowded in there or not... It was not. The only other person inside was the salesperson. So I went in, and very much enjoyed the exhibition of colourful textile art.

(I also bought a couple of little things but as one may end up as a future present for someone, I'm not showing those. Yet, anyway.)

Weekend Reflections


  1. It has been so long since I have been shopping anywhere, except for groceries! So shopping in this gift shop with you is just what I needed!!!! I am enlarging the pictures, and looking in every little nook and cranny. I adore the quilt! And the three wall hangings. What are these pretty blue flowers? The first two pictures are gorgeous. The first one is everything blue, even the banners. And the tree reflections are super! Such a delightful walk around town with you. Gorgeous pictures of the cherry blossoms. We are in much worse shape then there. All shops and restaurants were ordered to close down, unless absolutely necessary, like drugs and food. No gatherings over 10 people. We now have more cases then any other country. New York hospitals have patients laying on the hallway floors. So I am glad for my little mini vacation to Sweden.

    1. Thanks Ginny. Glad to be able to share my walk with you (and other blog friends) even if a bit delayed :) The blue flowers are Scilla, I think. Most of our shops and restaurants are in crisis even if not ordered to close down, because people are staying away anyway. In restaurants and bars, only serving at the table is allowed. No queuing and self-service or sitting at the bar. I rarely go out to eat anyway and haven't been to any such place since the corona outbreak. I've also avoided all the big shops and malls. With the shops I visited today, it's easy to see at once whether there are other people in there or not at the moment.

  2. The UK is at a far more advanced stage than Sweden so far as lockdown is concerned. I've been in isolation for 10 days now although I have been out of the house for walks and to the postbox. I also had a doctor and hospital appointment. I was pre-vetted and cleared so I hope I'm free of anything. The hospital is on virtual lockdown with no visiting (except maternity). I was in the critical assessment unit and it was empty. Fortunately I was only there for a couple of hours.

    1. Graham, yes, we have been getting reports from the UK and some other countries as well - and the differences in the measures taken are also often discussed. Our experts and politicians keep saying that it's a matter of doing things at the right time, and that means different decisions are made in different countries for a number of reasons. Partly because of the situation in each country, but also the basic laws in each country. I'm also thinking that the density of population is likely to be a factor (both when comparing countries, and areas within a certain country). Here, the situation is worst in Stockholm, which is hardly surprising. - I'm glad your hospital appointment went well and I'm hoping you'll be able to stay healthy (i.e. not needing any 'extra' visits to the hospital).

  3. Like Graham says about the UK, Germany has also been having lockdown measures in place for two weeks now, with additional restrictions that were announced on my birthday last week and became effective on Monday.
    Still not much of a difference to my daily life, but I miss not being allowed into the beautiful palace grounds which are a their best this time of year.
    We still are allowed walks and such, provided not more than two people are together, and keep their distance from everyone else.

    1. Meike, I understand you miss walking in the palace grounds. I hope you can still find some nice places to go for walks though. I do feel a bit limited myself in that I don't want to take the bus now (unless really necessary) so I have to think of not going so far away from home that I may find myself too tired to walk back as well!

  4. I am sure that beautiful shop was glad to get a sale of any kind. with things in an uproar most people are not shopping and when they do only for necessities. it is a beautiful shop. your town looks as always simply beautiful. I just made the comment to bob, after 2 weeks of being at home, even though we walk daily, I want to go somewhere, anywhere, it doesn't matter where

    1. Sandra, here it sometimes feels like we're kind of getting double messages as on the one hand we're told to stay home and keep away from crowds, and on the other asked to support our local businesses... So as I was already in there and looking at things for free, I decided I might as well stretch to the 'sacrifice' (hrm) of also buying a little something... ;)

  5. It's good to see you are outside enjoying the fresh air, we are still on our 4 week lockdown here and can only go to the supermarkets, doctors or in our backyard, I am missing some other scenery.

  6. Amy, yes, one does miss that after a while... Although not in total lockdown, I don't want to take the bus now, which means that I'm really restricted to not going further away from home than I know I'll also have enough energy left to walk back home again...


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