
Wednesday 22 April 2020

Beauty and the Beast

We've been blessed with another week of gorgeous spring weather here in Sweden: Blue sky, almost summer temperatures, and Nature at its most beautiful.

The dangerous downside to all this outdoors beauty just now is that it makes one want to forget all about the vicious corona virus, and all the restrictions involving keeping your distance to other people. This is the time of year here when we usually come out of social winter hibernation to spend more time outdoors, more time together with other people, and with lots of holidays ahead to celebrate. Like Walpurgis night (30th April) and 1st May (Labour Day), Ascension day, Pentecost, spring markets, high school graduations, 6th June (Sweden's National day), Midsummer, weddings, outdoor concerts, summer holiday travels and whatnot.  

But alas, while Sweden's corona-related restrictions so far have perhaps been less severe than in some other countries - every newscast still keeps reminding us that the restrictions that have been in place for a while now (like no gatherings of more than 50 people, and keeping your distance, and washing your hands, etc etc) are not likely to be lifted any time soon. However blue the sky may be, there is no magic spell to just declare life back to Normal

Covid-19, Coronavirus, Distance 

The photos of Beauty (cherry blossom trees) are mine.
The one of The Beast - "origin unknown"...

Our World Tuesday


  1. It is good to see the beautiful photos of Spring.

  2. Gorgeous blues and pinks! I have been reading that the virus is bad in Sweden.

    1. Ginny, it seems to me that this virus is bad all over the planet... And the statistics from various countries probably hard to quite compare until much later.

  3. Most of our blossoming trees and shrubs here are now already dressed in their spring green, having shed their blossoms during the past few days with high winds. It has been sunny throughout, and we could really do with some rain.
    Maybe one of the most beautiful springs I remember - or maybe it is just because I am living it more intensely, with my daily walks or runs after work.
    Indeed, the beast is still there in the background, and all the wonderful spring weather should not make us become careless. Our virologists (who have become some sort of celebrities over the past month) are rather worried about people insisting the restrictions be lessened; they predict a second wave of infections that could be much more serious and widespread than the first.

    1. Meike, yes, I guess one problem with lessening the restrictions must be that one cannot be sure of the effects until some time afterwards.

  4. the photos are so beatuiful, love those trees and the building behind them. it is the same here, this is beach weather and the beaches are closed. we are all sick to the core of staying home and afraid to go out ..

    1. Sandra, it's a constant battle, isn't it... One so much wants life back to normal and it can be so very tempting to just pretend that it is, just for a while...

  5. life certainly is different at the moment for everyone, so many routines broken and daily life disrupted, I'm loving your bright cherry tree blossoms, they certainly take out the mundane.

    1. Amy, all the beauty and "normality" in Nature is a blessing and a temptation all at the same time!

  6. It's great to see your spring beauty as winter is approaching here in New Zealand. I hope we remember the beauty more than the beast when this is over.

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

    1. Betty, I'm afraid we'll probably have to live with the Beast for quite a while yet...


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