
Friday 10 April 2020

Keep Your Distance, Please (Skywatch Friday)

Spring is here - and so are the seagulls (also always a sign of spring here in my inland town). Only one of them seemed to have caught up with the current rules about social distancing... 

Alas, to me it also seemed like there were too many people sitting outside some of the restaurants across the river. They are allowed to keep open, but have to follow restrictions like only serving at tables, and keeping customers further apart than usual - both indoors and outdoors. I did not zoom in or take any photos of that (feeling too much like a spy if I had!) - but to me it looked like two places out of three were not really adhering to the rules... (At one place, though, they seemed to have left one empty table between each small company of guests.) 

All in all, there were more people out and about in the city than I had expected on Good Friday. And who am I to blame them - obviously being there myself! I kept walking, though, and tried to stay away from people.

I think I'll probably take my walks in some other direction the rest of the weekend, though.


SkyWatch Friday


  1. What a beautiful post today! I love the deep color of the water, and the pretty blue bus. Do the buses have a limit on their riders? Really lovely shot of the birds in flight! Going to try to mail you a card today, the wind is awful!!

    1. Thanks Ginny. Not sure about the buses, I have avoided them since the corona outbreak...

  2. Looks like a gorgeous day and beautiful photos. I can see why people are having a hard time staying indoors! Have a nice, and healthy, weekend!

    1. SPP, the next two days have been cloudy and even some rain. Perhaps just as well from social distancing point of view!

  3. Happy Easter, your last photo is so sweet. here resturants can only do takeout, no one is allowed to sit out side and are supposed to take the food home. no more than 10 people at any place. they stand at doors and only let people in one at a time, and most restaurants bring it to your car. any stores that are open, drive up, call and they bring it out. even groceries. I do have to say one good thing this virus has done is make the world look and smell more beautiful. I just saw on TV that India can see the mountains for the first time in decades. the skys are clear of smog for first time in many years

    1. Sandra, I hope we can learn something positive from it all in the end, for the future. (?)

  4. You are in such a beautiful part of the globe. It must be difficult not to go outside. A safe walk at a distance from others seems harmless. Sweden, I’ve heard, is not in lock down the way countries like mine are, where only take-out orders are allowed. It will be interesting to see how things work out.

    1. You're right, Sweden has been choosing other solutions than total lockdown so far. It will probably be good while yet before anyone can say who chose the best strategy. It's been emphasized a lot here that it's a matter of doing the right thing at the right time to get the desired effect. So what works in one country may not be the best for another and vice versa.

  5. Lovely sharp photos. Beautiful colours.
    Here the cafes and restaurants had to pack up their chairs. Takeaway food only. Everyone is out exercising, cycling, and walking. Keeping their distance. The parks are really busy.
    There has been no social spread of the virus here in the NT but some people have caught it in other places and were quarantined in hospital. They all recovered.
    Enjoy yourself. Stay healthy. Take photos.

    1. Thanks MLM. Same to you, hope you manage to keep the virus from spreading where you are.


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