
Sunday 10 May 2020

Sunday Contemplation

One of the many strange things just now (with the corona virus affecting just about everything) is that normal Sunday church services are cancelled. Meanwhile, I think there have never before been so many online alternative church services to choose from. Not quite "the same" experience, but I'm still quite impressed by all the initiatives to not just cancel, but come up with alternatives. 

Yesterday (Saturday), my walk took me to the old church whose tower you see sticking up in the background in the photo above. Instead of going inside (I don't think it was open anyway) I walked around it on the outside; because one thing they've done there is to arrange an outdoors meditation walk of "follow the signs" kind. (I.e. literal signs have been put up on all the doors around the church, with Bible quotes, prayers, instructions etc.)

Personally, I think a stroll around the old cemetery close to where I live usually works just as well for me, though. Not following any special meditation plan or method, but just letting my thoughts wander, while my feet do the same... And stopping to take a photo now and then!



Definitions of contemplation (from Merriam-Webster)

1a : concentration on spiritual things as a form of private devotion
1b : a state of mystical awareness of God's being
2 : an act of considering with attention
3 : the act of regarding steadily 


  1. What gorgeous pictures! Do you know what the blue flowers are? The first one is my favorite. So much to see, all in blue as well. And the trees make a perfect frame.

    1. Ginny, the blue flowers near the church are pansies.

  2. It is a beautiful place, very apt for a contemplative stroll.
    Over here, churches have just started to open again for services, but some communities have decided to not hold services for the public as long as the restrictions about singing are still in place (apparently, singing is dangerous - I can see the point from a medical perspective, but honestly do not believe any service over here would be so packed with people that it would make a difference to their risk of infection).

    1. Meike, the danger of singing was a new one to me - I've not heard that involved in any public discussions here. Well, I suppose it may be an issue in contexts like choir singing, for example. (Not to mention that in countries where you are required to wear a face mask now, that must make singing rather difficult...) One rule that still applies here (and not likely to be lifted for a while yet) is no 'gatherings' larger than 50 people, neither indoors nor outdoors. (And keeping your distance even so.) Another is that people age 70+ are supposed to stay more strictly isolated: going out for walks is encouraged, but not getting together with friends and family, or shopping etc. (Municipalities and various organizations offer help to those who have no one else to ask.) As for our churches, I think quite a few do normally gather more than 50 people on a Sunday, if you include all ages. Just now, I suppose very hard to tell how many would come. So to be on the safe side, I think most have chosen just now to take the safe road and cancel the major public services and events.

  3. Muhteşem fotoğraflar. Bende kendimi doğaya atmak istiyorum.

  4. I can do the four things at the bottom, just contemplating your number 1 and 3 photos. awesome

    1. Nice to have you mentally walking with me, Sandra :)


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