
Friday 19 June 2020

Skywatch Friday - Midsummer Eve

♫ Where have all the people gone?
Gone to the coast or countryside, everyone... (?)

I'm guessing the few of us left in the city are those who still stubbornly insist on keeping Social Distance! ;)

Last weekend, Sweden lifted restrictions about travels within the country. (For a while, we've been 'strongly advised' not to travel further from home than 2 hours by car.) Gatherings larger than 50 people are still forbidden, though, which means all usual public midsummer festivities have been cancelled. For this weekend, I'm guessing the problems with too many people getting together anyway will be bigger in the coast side towns than here in the inland. 

Today (Midsummer Eve), all the shops in Borås city are closed all day, and probably restaurants and cafés as well.  I'm glad I thought of going for a walk into town yesterday morning as well, as I then managed to buy strawberries from a temporary market stall in the square. They cost a small fortune, but never mind. (After all: Somebody planted them and watered them, somebody else -perhaps- picked them, someone transported them into town, and someone spent a hot day standing there selling them. And I get to eat them!)

Now I'm hoping for a cloudy afternoon, and that noisy neighbours choose to go somewhere else. (We're still in a heat wave here and on sunny afternoons, it gets too hot both indoors and outdoors.)

Happy Midsummer, World - and be careful out there...
(I'll be at home, washing my hands!)

SkyWatch Friday


  1. The odd thing about this pandemic is that every single country that I know someone in we're all having a denticle problems. For once in our world it seems like we are all on the same page! Half the people wear masks and wash their hands and social discus and 1/2 don't. I just got through Reading in our paper about the nun social distancing at the bars on our beaches

    1. Sandra I agree. It is a very odd feeling that the situation is more or less the same all over the globe and in spite of minor variations in numbers and strategies we're all facing very much the same problem(s).

  2. It's pleasing to the eye to see photos without any people. I wish more people were like you, and insisted on social distancing!

    1. SPP, it's a very odd feeling to see the city centre so empty. As we haven't had a complete lockdown here, today felt unusual even for corona times. But then all the shops were closed for Midsummer, so of course very little reason for people (except curious photographers) to go into town!

  3. Looks quiet there. I think social distancing will be here for a while.

    1. Yes, I agree we'll probably have to live with the social distancing for quite a while yet. On a normal weekday there are usually a lot more people out and about than there were today, though (with the shops closed for the holiday).

  4. the Pandemic, sigh, we still have new cases now starting to come into the country, returning kiwis from overseas, I wish it would just end.

  5. Very quiet in your town by the looks of it! I can't say the same about Ludwigsburg; on an errand for my Mum, I had to go into town yesterday afternoon, and it was as packed as always on a fine sunny Friday afternoon. If it weren't for SOME people wearing masks, one could think all is as usual, but we know it isn't.


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