
Saturday 27 June 2020

Too Hot

This week has continued to be too hot (see previous post), with temperatures up over +30°C, and no wind. And the temperature indoors has kept on rising every day, too. (Phew.)

Today I went for a slow walk into the city around 10:30 am, to buy fresh strawberries from a market stall in the square. I kept to the shadow as much as I possibly could, but actually even the river looked dusty!

This afternoon, a weather front with thunder, rain and a drop in temperature finally came in, though... Most welcome! :) 

Now trying to get some fresh air into the flat before bedtime!

Weekend Reflections


  1. Really hot here, too. And this weekend we are getting that sand that is being blown from the Sahara.

    1. Oh, that sounds awful, Ginny. Today feels fresher here after the rain, I'm happy to say - even if the heat is still trapped in the walls after a long period of warming up, the outdoors temperature has dropped to more "normal" for Swedish summer.

  2. Really hot here too on one day. It nearly reached 20ºC 😂. We've had lots of thunder and unbelievably heavy rain and hail though. The garden is going mad.

    1. Graham, ouch, sorry about the hail... Hope all your lovely plants in the garden recover from the chock!!!

  3. It was uncomfortably hot and humid here yesterday, too; then, thunder and rain arrived and made the world much fresher and less dusty again. It has rained more this morning, and someone on the news said that we are to expect a rather mixed summer with short periods of intense heat broken by thunderstorms and rain. As far as I'm concerned, those breaks will be welcome - I do not need six weeks in a row of 35C and no rain.

    1. Meike, I agree. Just now it looks like the extreme heat has broke here (for now). Around 23 just now and this week will probably keep somewhere around 20 with some thunder and rain showers now and then. On the whole that suits me a lot better (even if I do prefer it if the rain does not get too violent either!) (Isn't it amazing how we have so many opinions about weather, when there's so very little we can actually do about it...)

  4. Not only do I say too hot everyday I say it many many times a day. Yesterday when I took my walk I told Bob I thought I was not going to make it back home and that I was going to have to call him to come get me because I couldn't seem to walk and today when I took my walk I only did half and came back because I just cannot walk in this heat.

  5. Sandra, I dare not set off on any long adventure-walks on a hot day either!


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