
Friday 4 September 2020

City Walk

 "And it was Monday [my previous post] - and then, all of a sudden, it was Friday again..."

These photos are from a walk last Sunday, though. 

Crossing a bridge over the river, and trying to catch a view (as) "from the past"....

... i.e. before this tower block came into the picture (it's been there for several years by now, and as it's the highest building in the city so far, it's kind of hard to ignore)

Walking up a hill where the views have got rather cramped in later years, with a lot of new highrise blocks added. (Older buildings to the left, new ones to the right.)



We've reached the top of the hill and are walking down on the other side, towards the city. Older (and lower) buildings on this side... And you can see one of the church towers in the background.


Some pretty gardens here, too

Rescue helicopter up in the air (there is a helideck at the hospital).

Down below now, closer to the city centre, passing a fairly new multi-storey car park.

Parking for other kinds of vehicles!

Going to visit an "old friend" - the giant Pinocchio statue, created by American artist Jim Dine. It's official name is "Walking to Borås" and it's been here since 2008. I think this project was really the start of all the biannual sculpture and street art festivals we've had since then. It's nine meters high if memory serves me right.

Mural on the building where our local newspaper is being produced.

Borås is an old textile industry town. Nowadays the focus is not so much on production but more on design, fashion, education and developing new technology etc. But we still have quite a few old industrial buildings left (most of them now used for other purposes).

Finishing off with some park views.
(The building in the background is an indoors swimming bath.)

Non-Violence, bronze sculpture by Swedish artist Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd. It's a replica of (or similar to) one by the same artist placed at the United Nations head quarters in New York.

It's becoming evident that summer is over and autumn is slowly on its way...

SkyWatch Friday

Weekend Reflections


  1. A beautiful tour, and thanks for taking us along! I love the nonviolence sculpture. Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thanks SPP. Yes I like the clear symbolism of that sculpture, too.

  2. It's always a pleasure to sightsee around your city. You got some great shots of the giant Pinocchio statue. As a season slowly departs your part of the world, it is slowly entering here, signs of spring are everywhere.

    1. Thanks Pauline - and I wish you a lovely spring ahead, and hope you'll share that with us as we approach autumn and winter here!

  3. Boras is so beautiful, with combinations of the old, new, and art. I love the bulding with different shades of yellow. Are all the hi-rises apartment buildings? I don't reember seeing the newspaper mural before, I like it!

    1. Ginny, yes, the hi-rises up on that hill + the tall white one are all apartments, as far as I know. The old factory buildings downtown are mostly offices and businesses, though - I think.

  4. I've never heard of Boras. Thank you for the tour. :)

  5. A nice city walk with very varied sights. I like walking through living quarters and look at houses and gardens - not because I want to intrude in other people's privacy, but because I find it intersting to see how others live and to imagine what I would do if that house or that place were mine.
    The giant pinocchio is a little bit scary, I must admit!

    1. Meike, before the new apartment buildings up on that hill were added, I quite liked that neighbourhood, but now I get an almost claustrophobic feeling walking between tall buildings on both sides of the street, like in photos 4 & 5. Given the choice, I prefer lower buildings and more space and green areas in between as well...

  6. I remember Pinocio and the twisted gun barrel. your city is still beautiful, even with all the new tall buildings, they did a great job of fitting it all in perfectly

    1. You have a good memory, Sandra! :) I'm not really enthusiastic about how they are adding more and more new high apartment buildings to the city centre these days. Many of them are much too close to each other in my opinion, and not enough green areas in between. But yes, there have been some efforts made to make them "fit in". (I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that they won't try to fit in any more high rise ones in my own immediate neighbourhood...)

  7. Beautiful walk, especially through the older section of houses. Love the second photo of Pinocchio walking towards town and those dark clouds.

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Yes there was a rather dramatic sky that day :) I made it home without getting wet, though!

  8. I was trying to work out where it was - I hadn't noticed the Sweden at the top at first. It reminds me a little of when I visited Kista, Stockholm, for work a few times around 1990. I caught up with a friend who had married a Swedish girl and the apartment they lived in was very like those. I am also fascinated by your account of your visit to Yorkshire. I would have been working in Leeds at the time.

  9. I've now been on this walk three times but this time I've not been distracted before I've posted a comment. I have just remembered that on the last occasion I actually started a comment and it disappeared half way through. I remembered because that has just happened to me again. I'm not quite sure why it keeps happening but it's not just on your blog. I happens on others and on mine too.

    I rather like the building in the second and third pictures and I initially thought that I hadn't seen it before but having looked at it again I think I've seen a closer up one probably just after it was built.

    Anyway I've enjoyed the walk and the update.


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