
Saturday 19 September 2020

Door Update

It's been a rather messy and noisy week, with the apartment doors in my building being replaced with new ones. Last Friday I got a message that they'd be coming on Monday; so I spent part of Sunday clearing my hall from anything that might be in the way (like clothes and shoes, and floor mats and pictures on the wall etc). Then followed a few days of constantly Being Prepared (as in the scout motto) - as in up early and prepared for a knock on my door at any moment. On Monday morning, I was told there had been a delay and they would not come to me until Tuesday. In the afternoon, I got another message saying it would be on Wednesday. By then I was thinking to myself that it probably would not  happen until Thursday... But, they did come on Wednesday, and then got started working on both my doorway and that of my neighbours' across the landing at the same time. So for a few hours it was Open House Day on our floor... (See the middle picture.)  And in the midst of that, I had laundry day, so had to sneak out and in and down to the basement a couple of times. (Phew!) All went well in the end though, and at the end of the day, I was safe behind my new door again...

For a short while, I have to admit I almost panicked, though - or at least felt very stupid - because I couldn't figure out how to work the lock!

I have since mastered the How (even if not yet the Why) - but tell me, please: Are these image instructions (below) perfectly clear to you? I suppose if you are used to that type of lock, they might be. But if not...?? (Feel free to give your interpretations in the comments...)



  1. they look ok to me, but there are 3 in the instructions and only 2 on the door.. and the bar at the bottom is backward. i can see the confusion though. glad you are not locked in and it is over with

    1. Sandra, not only that, but the images (on the inside of the door) are showing things reversed (mirror image) compared to what you actually see there. My first impression was also that I needed to do both movements simultaneously, which would require both hands. Luckily it turned out to be easier than it looked - but it took me a while to figure that out!

  2. Why did they put in new doors? And these instructions are sure NOT clear to me!

    1. Ginny - Security reasons. The new door gives better protection against both fire and break-ins. Presumably the lock is safer as well, even if for a little while I had my doubts!

  3. So typical that you had to wait days after the original appointment, but I am glad that all went well in the end. The instructions look alright to me, but I would have to faff with the locks and handle a bit to work it out properly.

    1. Meike, "faff" might be just the right word. (Checking the definition by Merriam-Webster: "to make a fuss over nothing") :)

  4. Fair enough to the reasons why new doors would be put in, after that fuss of waiting for the tradesmen it's good they got done.

    1. Amy, there was a reason for the delay - one guy in the team was off sick.


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