
Sunday 25 October 2020

Autumn Colours / Weekend Reflections

 More from yesterday's walk. Photos from the top of the park - where in summer there is also a kind of miniature/crazy golf course (closed now) - and looking down to the river.

Today the rain is pouring down outside, so a good day to rest and catch up indoors instead. We're also back on "normal" or "winter" time today, which always feels a bit confusing to me the first few days (even if on the whole, I usually find the change in the spring harder to get used to).

Hard to tell in the last photo what's above vs beneath the surface - or perhaps reflected! ;) (No, there is no layer of thin ice involved, even if it kind of looks like that in the photo.)

Weekend Reflections


  1. All the photos show much Beauty! And I love the last two with the leaves under the water and it does kind of look like ice! Our time changes next weekend so you'll hear me start complaining. This is the time change that really messes us up because we like so get up early and it messes us up we wake up not by a clock but by our inner clock so when we wake up Sunday morning we're waking up at 2:30 not 3:30 and it takes us weeks to get on the right schedule

  2. Lovely colours, your part of the world is slowing down to take a sleep.

  3. The first picture is my favorite, it is stunning!

  4. I really liked the last photo in particular.

  5. A walk surrounded by the most beautiful autumn colours - what's not to love!
    Our Sunday was exactly like Golden October is supposed to be, and the rain is here today, Monday. No after-work walk for me today, and I will have to work out a way to fit in walks during the day, as now sunset is just after 5:00 pm, when I usually finish work...


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