
Saturday 31 October 2020

Halloween Weekend Reflections

Still walking... Tried to put "other things" aside again today, and went for a walk to get the most out of another beautiful autumn day. One never quite knows if it will be the last!

Not many leaves left on this tree, but all the more on the ground!

N.B. reflections in the water on the bridge...

Photographer's shadow on the right... ;)

There were quite a few other people out walking in the park and along the river on this lovely day (even if I managed to keep my distance and even to keep most of them out of my photos). Actually, I think there were even more people visiting graveyards today, though - as is the tradition here for Halloween/All Saints. (So today I chose not to walk across the old cemetery where I walk often enough anyway - including yesterday.)

Besides the fine weather, another reason for all the people out walking today may be that the region of Sweden where I live (Västra Götaland) is back on a tighter leash again, when it comes to corona restrictions. (Together with -so far- four other densely populated regions, which in total means about half the population of the whole country.) So... Once again, there is not really all that much left to do except to go for walks (which is encouraged, as long as we keep distance). As for shopping, it's okay to visit grocery shops and pharmacies, but we're strongly advised to stay away from big shopping malls etc, and also from museums and other such places that tend gather a lot of people. On the whole we're supposed to limit the number of people we spend time with (esp indoors) as much as possible - preferably to "the people we live with".

Well, "me, myself & I" have pretty much been doing that for nine months already... Without blogging and some other online contacts, it would probably drive me nuts. (Possibly it already has, without me really noticing until I fell down the rabbit hole to the health care labyrinth lately.) 

While certain aspects of the internet sometimes annoy me too, I was reminded again the other day to feel very grateful for it, when I had a phone call from a friend who has neither a computer nor a smartphone...

Weekend Reflections 



  1. I saw where Covid cases have really gone up in Sweden, and thought of you. But it could hardly be worse than us, I think we are maybe worse than any country. Your third picture, with the touch of red, may be my favorite. But I also love the gorgeous reflection shots. What a gorgeous walk!!

    1. Thanks Ginny. It was a lot worse here back in spring. Much better during summer but now increasing again in many places as people tend to meet more indoors again (and seem to be becoming a bit too casual about it). So that's why they're tightening restrictions locally now, adjusting advice regionally rather than nationally, depending on the situation in each area.

  2. Every single photos is beautiful and shows all they're gorgeous places you walk by and it was a perfect day bright Sun and you were right to enjoy it while you can. I can't even imagine living without a phone are computer now that I've done it for so many years. And I know there are people who do it but I sure don't want to be one of them this nine-month lockdown that we've been in I would be crazy if I did not have those items

    1. Sandra, I fully agree. If the internet goes down for a while for unknown reasons, that's usually enough to make me feel suddenly isolated!

  3. These are all beautiful, Monica, but I think my favourite of this lot is the one with the tree almost devoid of leaves and the thick carpet of colourful leaves on the ground.
    We had gorgeous weather yesterday, too; today (Sunday, Allerheiligen) is rainy but relatively mild.
    Germany is now under nation-wide restrictions, at least for this entire month of November: Bars, restaurants etc. had to shut down (again). Schools are still open. Museums, galleries etc. are closed, gyms and other sports places, too. Everyone who can is advised to work from home. Non-business trips are discouraged. Hotels are shut.
    In two weeks, the situation will be re-evaluated and then decided whether or not this partial shut-down is going to last longer.
    It is not a lock-down, as we can move freely, go for walks etc. as much as we like.

    1. Meike, here they're tightening restrictions regionally now rather than nationally, depending on the situation in each area. So recommendations may vary slightly from one region to another at the moment. Schools are still open here too. From what I understand the main worry here lately has been after-school and after-work activities and people getting a bit careless in those contexts.


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