
Friday 2 October 2020

No Limit 2020 (3)

Tuesday this week was another sunny day, and I decided to go back to have a look at the finished murals from last weekend's street art festival. This time, I chose a different way to get there - instead of crossing the railway by the main road bridge, I walked alongside the railway for a bit, and then passed under it through a pedestrian underpass. The photos in this post will be of things I saw along the way. (I'll save the new murals for yet another post.)

Autumn colours are beginning to take over. Near the railway station there is this cliff covered in ivy which turns red in the autumn. Up on top, there is a statue in commemoration of a ski mountaineer and adventurer named Tomas Olsson who died in 2006.

Walking along the railway, and looking across the tracks to the other side, I noticed that I could see a mural from a previous art festival. Using the zoom on my camera, I got quite close, without taking an actual detour to it now. It's supposed to illustrate a scene in a classic book (The Adventures of Nils Holgersson) by Selma Lagerlöf, Swedish author who was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, way back in 1909. (Artist: TelmoMiel 2017)

I think the decorations in this pedestrian underpass are new, but I'm not sure. It's been a while since I last walked this way. On the other side of it, there are two new installations, though. The huge fluffy balls up in the trees (made of textile) I think are only temporary. I had read about there being lights inside them, but that was hard to see in broad daylight. (Artist: Malin Bobeck Tadaa)

The (playground?) animal sculpture may be meant to stay there longer (?)
Tim Timmey)

Up a hill, and while waiting for green light at the pedestrian crossing I snapped this sneak peek of the Calligrafitti mural by artist Etile... You'll get a better look in another post! :)

SkyWatch Friday


  1. Taking the road less traveled certainly has its rewards. Beautiful mural!

  2. A true blogger/skywatcher with a great eye. I love how you did this.

  3. Everything here is new to me! The fluffy balls hanging from the tree remind me of jellyfish. The red ivy is beautiful, and I love the swan and fox mural. The pink flowers are so pretty; are they the same ones as in your header? They look alike, minus the stone wall.

    1. Ginny, they're the same kind of flower (dahlias) but the header photo was taken in another park, a bit earlier in the autumn.

  4. Even sites such as a railway line look much nicer when they are adorned by autumn's beautiful colours, don't they!
    The fluffy balls in the trees look very much like lamps/lanterns to me. Maybe some other time you will walk past there when it is getting dark, and see what it is like then.
    The story of Nils Holgerson is one many Germans of my generation (and older) are familiar with - in my childhood, there was a cartoon series of it on TV.

    1. Meike, the shifting seasons of nature do make places look different, I agree. As for Swedish literature, I never quite know if my readers in other countries will relate to certain names and book titles or not. It's a big world! :)

  5. Replies
    1. Fi, I always feel like I have to try and make the most of fine autumn days, knowing that those colours will soon be gone, and followed by winter...

  6. I think you should walk this way more often and keep snapping. What a beautiful place to walk so much to see and every time you walk you would see something different I love the Swan and the fox that is absolutely amazing!! It looks like it was a really beautiful day for walking also bright sunshine and blue skies make for excellent photos and the light from the sun makes everything glow with beauty

    1. Sandra, it was indeed a lovely day to be out walking and enjoying the autumn colours.

  7. Well the first thing that struck me was the flats in the first photo. I rather fancied the top flat with it's balcony although I suppose on a junction it might be a bit noisy. Then I got puzzling about the tree i the second photo. The bak looks like cherry. I wonder. The swan and bat/fox mural is very eye-catching. I thought it was fascinating too.

    1. Graham, you're very observant. No doubt they must have a grand view from that balcony, but it's also likely to be rather noisy with quite a lot traffic outside (and also the railway & bus station nearby, just out of sight to the left in this photo). And if memory serves me right, that tree in the second photo is indeed a cherry blossom tree (more obvious in early spring when covered in pink blossoms!)

  8. What wonderful sights you saw on your walk! Autumn has definitely arrived there. The swan is a true work of art.

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

    1. Yes, autumn is truly here! (Hope you're enjoying spring where you are!)


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