
Monday 5 October 2020

No Limit 2020 (5)

 My walk among the finished murals from the No Limit 2020 street art festival continued:

Artists: Korallpionen & Rickman

The artists Korallpionen & Rickman contributed two murals that they painted together.  Both of those were nearly finished already when I first saw them (on the 3rd day of the festival), so you may recognize them.

This one, found close to the Family Centre for the district,  seems to kind of incorporate the existing pedestrian crossing nearby.

Artists: Korallpionen & Rickman

And this one, entitled "Mother Earth", makes use of the green grass next to it.

Artist: Appear37 (Adam Algotsson)

"A graffiti artist from Borås who now gets to paint on a large scale on home turf. Adam found graffiti in his teens and got his first paid commission from the same police officer who had once arrested him for painting illegally. He has since created over 100 commissioned murals for both businesses and individuals."

Artist: Amara por Dios

 "Amara Por Dios is an artist born and raised in Stockholm, who has spent several years living and working in London. --- In 2014, she was named by The Guardian as one of Britain's top female street artists."

Somewhere I read that this mural was given the title "The Journey to Earth". I like that - it sets my imagination spinning with wider interpretations of the theme.


Artist: Vickan

"Vickan is a tattoo and street artist. With her imaginative and characteristic style, she has quickly established herself as a name in the Swedish street art scene. Vickan is originally from Boden and is today based in Stockholm."

... And her mural somehow grew on me when I took a few steps back and looked at it from the nearby playground...

Artist: Huge

And this is what became of "the blue gable" that can be seen from the main street nearby: A sun-wind-and-water theme, painted in a way that makes it look almost three-dimensional.

 Our World Tuesday



  1. Mother Earth and the musical instruments are my favorite!

    1. Ginny, I think the musical instruments is one of my top favourites too

  2. I think they are all just as good as each other and brighten up the spaces where they sit.

    1. Amy, I have enjoyed my walks among them a lot :)

  3. Every one of these is absolutely amazing and there's not one that I can say that I don't love it. They're all beautiful I love Mother Earth and I love that instrument thing and huge and dickon those are the four that I like the best but they're all absolutely amazing

    1. Sandra, I agree they're all amazing, and I don't know how they manage to paint big murals like that and "get it right" :)

  4. They are all great works of art, and I love it when the artists make use of what is around them, such as the green grass on the slope. Admittedly, I would not want any of them as a picture in my flat, but as murals, they work really well.

    1. Meike, I can imagine a downsized version of the musical instruments as a picture at home... But in general, I agree. There's a lot of art that I appreciate and admire outdoors or in exhibitions, but which would not be my choice for my own home!


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