
Sunday 18 October 2020

Upside Down Weekend Reflections

 More autumn photos from earlier this week:




Not upside down - but
one ear up and one down!

Sculpture "Mate Hunting" by Marianne Lindberg De Geer (2010)

I'm glad I've been able to get out and about a bit with the camera. Even walking the same old paths, fine autumn days with some colour still left in nature are good for the soul as well as the body. On this occasion, the water reflections as well as the rabbit sculpture in the park served both as distraction from and reminder of still being in "Wonderland".

As the saying goes - sometimes a picture is worth more than a thousand words; so here is a collage I made from three scanned postcards of Alice in Wonderland illustrations...

Short translation: Not yet feeling quite confident about results vs side-effects of changes in my blood pressure medication, recently suggested by a new doctor (cf another recent post).
I might add that I think I have a physical check-up booked with a nurse this week, and also another phone appointment with Dr Who (whom I have still not met in person). I say I think, because when I tried to check online (as one is supposed to be able do now with some things, using digital ID), what I found did not quite match what I was told over the phone. And when I tried to call, it turned out they had shut the surgery down for a couple of days to go away on a staff training course. (I'm hoping a course in doctor-patient communications.) (Of course they referred to emergency numbers. But my questions didn't qualify for that...)

While waiting, here is another brilliant snippet from Very British Problems (copied from Facebook).

 Weekend Reflections


  1. Your photos would be gorgeous even without the reflections. Keep me posted about the doctor!

    1. Ginny, he was supposed to call me today, but he did not. And by then it was also too late to find out why not - or get answers to any of my other questions...

  2. I'm hoping that when I ring the surgery in the next hour I won't have the same problem. I like your joke at the end. I can related to that I have to admit. I loved the rabbit and I'm waiting for some sun (it is exceptionally heavy rain this morning) to go and walk in the woods and see the autumn colours.

    1. I hope you had better luck than I, Graham. The doctor was supposed to call me this afternoon at 14:15 (he said himself in our last phone conversation one and a half week ago). But he did not. And by the time I had given up hope, there was no chance of getting through to any other living person either. (I tried, but was not surprised that I did not succeed. It's a labyrinth of pressing various buttons only to be met by unhelpful automatic messages anyway, these days.)

  3. Autumn colours are really hard to beat! All these are beautiful, and the bunny just adds a bit of quirkiness.
    I may borrow the tips for an honest work meeting for my next telephone/video conference!

    1. Hope that works out well for you, Meike... ;)

  4. I love the reflections of course of course and Alice is really cute. Oh no on the communications on going with the doctor. Hoping they get back things turn better and I do hope that you have a physical appointment and not a video

    1. Sandra, I'm supposed to have a physical appointment with a nurse on Thursday - I'm just not sure when. The doctor booked it for me and told me 10:40. When I checked my appointments online, it says 10:00. The doctor himself was supposed to call me back at 2:15 pm today (he said in the same conversation), but he did not. And by the time I had realized that he obviously wouldn't, I could not get through to anyone else either. I shall have to try again tomorrow. (sigh)

  5. Very nice photos, I hope you get your doctor's appointed sorted.


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