
Tuesday 17 November 2020

Mid November


Oops, I just realized it's been over a week since I last posted. If anyone is wondering, perhaps I'd better report that this is because I've been feeling gradually better (not worse). Even my blood pressure monitor seems happy now; so I hope the (new) doctor will be too, when I next speak to her. (Which might be tomorrow, if she's better than the other one at calling as agreed.) The weather has been very novemberish, and I've had a lot of indoors things to catch up with. (And I've got started on Christmas cards to be sent abroad...) I've also been out for walks, but they have mostly been short, grey and wet, and with little to inspire photography. (The photo collage above is from the beginning of the month.)

Alas, the corona situation is getting worse again here, including new restrictions almost every day now. Some restrictions are local now and may vary from one region to another, but yesterday the government  announced that from next week until at least mid December (maybe longer), public gatherings will be reduced by law, nationally, to a maximum of 8 people. Apparently this is as close to lock-down as we can get here, without it clashing with our basic constitutional laws. But it's being made very clear that for the time being, we're really expected not to hang out with anyone except those we live with (or work with, for those who cannot work from home); or in shopping malls, gyms, swimming baths, museums, libraries etc. And when we do have to go shopping, we need to be strict about keeping distance; and shop owners must also make that possible. (It seems people have been getting more careless during the autumn than they were back in spring.)

Personally, I feel like I've pretty much been living like that ever since February.


  1. I'm sorry about the virus. Ours has gotten very bad, too. And I hear we are the worst country in the world for it now. Thee are scary times. Your weather looks so gloomy!

    1. Yes, it has been rather gloomy lately. The weather as well as the virus!

  2. It is sad how awful the virus is at this point. It changes all of our lives. It looks like fall for sure where you are. We now have snow and I am SO NOT READY for that! xo Diana

    1. Neither am I, Diana. Further north, they'll probably have a proper snow storm today. Here in the south, I think the temperature is still too high and it will probably just be storm and rain...

  3. Down here, the weather has not yet been very novemberish, but I keep looking at the calendar and reminding myself of several things I would like to have done before the first Advent Sunday.

    The German government has been severely criticised for it overruling federal laws, and now that the heads of all our federal states are involved, things take a lot longer and are a lot more difficult to decide. At the same time, the experts (virologist, epidemologists and so on) keep saying that we need to act fast and can not afford to lose yet another week before stricter measures are in place.

    Like you, things have been pretty much the same for me since mid-March; no visits to the gym, very few meetings with friends (and always outdoors), but many, many walks :-)

    Hopefully, your new doctor keeps her appointment and rings tomorrow! I am glad your health is improving.

    1. Meike, I think all Europe (and democratic nations all over the world) are struggling with the balance between basic rights of freedom according to national constitutions, vs necessary restrictions and exceptions in this very unusual situation of a world-wide pandemic. :(
      Alas, the new doctor did NOT call yesterday, nor today. I'll see if I feel up to trying to sort it out tomorrow. (The thing is, to even get through to a nurse, I know I will need to call first thing in the morning - earlier than I'm usually up! - and will then still have to wait to be called back.) (I checked the online service, but they've not yet added any box for "doctor XXX forgot to call"...)

  4. the answer seems to be don't congregate unles we have to and wear mask and wash hands and stay home but here the vast majority feel they just can't do that, so they don't and now the virus is rampant. sorry it is getting bad for you also... i dont know why peopl can't give up these things even it if takes a year, becuase if they don't they will soon be locked down in house/hospital ill

    1. Sandra, I've been watching a lot of (Swedish) corona-related press conferences this year (twice a week or more) and the journalists always seem to attack from two completely opposite points of view: On the one hand, questioning why the authorities/government don't do MORE and introduce much *stricter* restrictions (like complete lockdown). On the other hand, they also keep asking why they come up with such *harsh* restrictions, and no exceptions for - well, just about everything people really want to continue doing just as usual... (crowding at movies, theatre, concerts, sports games, museums, galleries, malls, gyms, church, private parties, restaurants, bars and nightclubs, whatever...) /Sigh/

  5. We are pretty fortunate that we haven't been in a major lockdown since March and I don't think you can beat receiving a letter or a card in the mail, so much nicer than an email.

    1. Amy, emails and other instant messages over the internet have their advantages! not least in these strange times... But I agree, it's very nice to also get letters and cards by good old 'snail mail' - and I like sending them, too. :)


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