
Sunday 27 December 2020

And There Was Christmas

Living alone and keeping to the recommendations of only celebrating Christmas with members of one's own household... One might think that would mean lots of time for a blogger to to blog. Somehow, it seems I still managed to fill my time mostly with other things, though!

What you see above is a closeup of one of the decorations on a bridge over the river in the city. Picking up where my 4th Advent post left off, here are some more photos from my sunny walk last Saturday. (Blogger/the internet seems to to be cooperating better today.)

There is an ice skating-rink in the park - frozen by artificial means, though, as it hasn't really been that cold here yet (mild December, and temperatures still hovering hesitantly just around freezing point for Christmas).

Actually, the Christmas days themselves offered quite nice weather for walks as well. A bit chilly, but nonetheless I manged to get out twice on Christmas Eve, and one walk per day the next two days. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were mostly sunny. Boxing day was grey but with a few snowflakes in the air. (Not enough to cover the ground, though. And today is windy and rainy, and I think I'll be staying in...)

Christmas Eve: Sun still very low, and a bit reluctant to get out of bed at all... (Photo from around midday.) Went for walk across the cemetery and down to the river to say hello to some ducks.

In the afternoon I had a Skype meeting with my brother; and there were also phone calls and messaging with a few other friends. And enjoying my decorations, and all the cards that had been dropping in during December. As this has pretty much been my "new normal" for a number of years now, I can't really say that this Christmas will stand out for me (personally) as very different. (New Year's Eve will be, though, as that will be the first time in two decades that I won't be having my usual party with a handful of friends.)

 (Well, I guess that one thing that might stand out as different in retrospect would be my haircut. Or rather, lack of. Haven't been to see my hairdresser for months...)

The dawn of Christmas Day, from my balcony (around 10 am)

 A bit of frost on the ground that day, and ice on the puddles!


And the ducks in the river obviously don't care about any rules about keeping distance.

The Good News this last weekend of 2020 is that the first dosages of vaccine have started arriving. The first corona vaccinations in Sweden have been given today to elderly people living in care homes. Hopefully we'll see the situation gradually improving during 2021.


  1. Same here about the start of the vaccinating campaign, it will be a while before it is my turn, but that‘s fine.
    Beautiful pictures, and I like your cheerful red scarf!
    My Christmas was not much different from previous years, either, but New Year‘s Eve will be - just like in your case, no gathering with others, just OK and myself, since the curfew (having to be home by 8:00 pm) is not lifted for that evening.

    1. Meike, yes, I'm thinking it will probably be a while before it's my turn as well. It sounds like they're counting on being able to offer the vaccination to everyone within the first six months of the year, though.

  2. I am so glad you could get out and walk, lots of gorgeous pics for us and good for you to be out and about and not in danger from the virus. I live with my hairdresser and am so glad. the first photo is my favorite, and then there was Christmas. LOVE it. and the reflections of the orange roof building is my 2nd choice. the photos look like theywere taken in spring or summer. especailly the ducks and water. glad you included the selfie, we have not seen you for a long time. I think your hair looks good. sorry you will miss out on having your get together. our holidays have been exactly like they have been for the past 14 years. except we did not eat out on TG day or Christmas Day or on our birthdays. that is the only difference.

    1. Sandra, I've had three hair cuts this year, in January, June and September. Back in spring I decided to let my fringe (bangs) grow out, though (as a fringe requires more frequent cutting). Now it's finally getting long enough to tuck it behind my ears. Still longing to have it cut properly at the back again, though...

  3. I really enjoyed your city in Holiday spirit & beautiful scenery. I haven't even been walking much the last month or two...need to fix that. I had my hair cut once since March, and I did not feel comfortable, I think, are wise.

    1. I often used to take my chance with drop in haircuts at my hairdresser's but it's a small salon and I think she only wants one customer in there at a time now. And what with one thing and another all autumn, I haven't got round to booking an appointment...

  4. Your decorations are adorable. But best of all is the current picture of YOU!!

    1. Thanks Ginny. I know I'm not very generous with pictures of myself. This year even more so as there's never anyone else around to take them, and I find selfies difficult!

  5. Your city is lovely in all seasons. It's the little things like the decorated bridge that sets it apart. It looks so peaceful in these shots with the reflections. I do admire your resilience and cheerfulness in circumstances that seem extremely difficult to me.

    1. Thanks Pauline. Yes, it's been tough year. As for Christmas, it's been a very long time for me since any really big family celebrations though, as I don't come from a big family and never had children myself (and neither did my brother).

  6. I hope you had a good xmas day there anyway, ours was very quiet and relaxed, think we spent most of it under the umbrella outside so we wouldn't get sunburned.

    1. Well Amy, at least there was no risk of getting sunburned here! ;)

  7. Wonderful pictures Dawn. You draw me right into the scene, and so many miles away, and so very different than Southern CA. The decorations, and the ice skating ring, are out of a magazine. We did have a thunder and lighting storm and a night of lots of rain, but only beautiful tips of snow on the mountains a few miles away.
    I get really busy in the kitchen on cold days, trying new recipes, and doing a lot of baking. Made homemade English Toffee and Peanut Crackle this year with the granddaughters. Blessing for a better 2021

    1. Thanks Wanda, and I wish you a happy new year, too.

  8. I never tire of views of the city nor, for that matter, of frosty leaves.


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