
Tuesday 16 February 2021

Another Sunny Walk

Sometimes my feet, my camera and my mind conspire along the way to take me on a little detour from where I had originally intended to go. Sunday was once such day; and living up to it's name as well (i.e. the Sun doing its best to fight the cold). 


That tree made me think of Treebeard from The Lord of the Rings...

The sign on the old red house says "Glazier's workshop". I don't know if they're still in business or if the owners have just kept the sign. (If you're thinking you've seen the house before, you probably have... On this blog!)

Through My Lens 

Our World Tuesday


  1. Such lovely sunny ice. But my favorite is the beautiful intense blue sky.

    1. Ginny, yes, the sky really was extraordinarily blue that day! :)

  2. The bare trees against the brilliant blue sky are irresistible, aren't they! I know what you mean about feet and mind taking you on detours; I sometimes start a walk with a vague idea about its general direction and then decide on the spur of the moment to take a different path, always resulting in something unusual or interesting to see.
    The picture of the glasmasteri is wonderful, like an advert for Sweden!

    1. Yes Meike, that's what often happens to me too - except I know that I don't have the stamina to walk as far as you! ;)

  3. the photos with the Lord of the rings tree are my two favorites. these are extraordinary and just plain gorgeous... even cold it would be a wonderful walk.

    1. Sandra, as I didn't go out until in the afternoon, it wasn't "too" cold.

  4. More Swedish beauty which, as always, is much appreciated.

    I had forgotten about Treebeard. It is decades since I read Lord of The Rings and a long time since I saw the films. I doubt I'll ever read the books again but the films (I have the DVDs) may get another airing.

    1. Graham, it's been a while since I last watched the films as well. I have those on blu-ray though so perhaps not all that many years ago. Perhaps in connection with the more recent Hobbit trilogy. (But those I have on DVD.) As for the books, it's been a very long time since I read those in print, but I have listened to them as audio books since then. And some audio-drama version as well.

  5. Deleted one comment to this post which did not in itself seem suspicious, but when I tried to check who it came from, that generated a warning from my anti-virus program.(Now I've already forgotten the name...)

  6. Fina bilder! Och vilket underabart hus!

  7. Even though it's still cold I hope it's nice being outside.


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