
Saturday 6 February 2021

Visiting Narnia

The lamp posts in the old cemetery remind me of the magic one in Narnia - especially on a winter day like those we've been having this week.



  1. Every single one is magical! Never having been or seen Narnia I have to take your word for it but I do know Beauty when I see it

    1. Thanks Sandra. In the book the winter in Narnia (much like in our own world) is dangerous as well as magically beautiful... ;)

  2. Such frosty beauty. I love the ones with the path, I bet they are sleppery!

    1. Ginny, the snow fell on dry ground this time and as it has stayed cold since it fell, it's not been all that slippery yet - or at least not with good (studded) boots on. One still needs to be careful, though. I usually bring a walking stick/pole when I go out.

  3. It really is very Narnia-like! I am sure you would have met Mr Tumnus if you had been at the exact right spot at the right time, and had tea with him in his cosy cave.

    1. Meike, considering the times in which we live, maybe it's best to keep one's distance to fauns as well as people? ;) I usually do have a cup of tea after I get back home from my walks, though!

  4. Today I went for a walk in the wood for an hour or two and it might as well have been Narnia given the freedom in the lockdown. However there was no snow - just sunshine.

    1. I'm glad to hear you were able to go for a sunny walk, Graham! Probably also easier to walk without the snow. Today it was bitter cold here as there was also a bit of wind. So today's walk was cut shorter, just to the nearest letterbox and back. The app on my phone was probably right about it being -4'C but feeling like -9'C...


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