
Friday 19 March 2021

Spring Equinox

It still doesn't feel much like spring outdoors, but this week I decided to get it started indoors anyway. I put my spring/summer curtains up in the kitchen, and yesterday I walked to the florist's shop downtown and bought some new flowering pot plants + a bunch of tulips.

Kitchen window: Daffodils and kalanchoe

Bedroom window: Two different kinds of geranium


Pink kalanchoe for the living room window

Busy nest-building magpie
(zoomed in through my kitchen window)

Skiving magpie enjoying the view


  1. Your flowers are gorgeous! My favorites are the Tulips and the Kalanchoe. I imagine some will go out on your patio as soon as the weather allows? This Magpie nest is HUGE! I have never seen a Magpie nest before, so I love this shot!

    1. Ginny, that magpie nest has been getting bigger and bigger over a number of years now. They tend to do that - return to old nests and keep "improving" them :)

  2. that is one detailed and crazy nest. I love it when you get spring fever and fill your home with flowers. i have never seen plants growing from bulbs here to be bought and brought home. i would love to have the daffodils,

    1. Sandra, the daffodils are miniature ones, and it's quite common here for those to be sold like that, with their bulbs in pots. I often buy some and put out on my balcony in spring, as they tend to last even longer there. But we've been having too many frosty nights here still, so I decided to just buy one for my kitchen window for now.

  3. Flowers are the best thing about Spring especially the brightly coloured ones.

    1. Amy, yes, after a long winter one is really longing for some colour to come back in nature. And as nature is still hesitating, I'm happy to be able to bring some indoors instead!

  4. That's really spring in your home now, Monica - I love it!
    Same here with the weather; still very cold with showers of snow/sleet/hail between patches of sun. Only next Wednesday it is forecast to warm up again.

    1. Thanks Meike. I always find it cheers me up to change some decorations with the seasons - including some fresh flowers/plants. Even more important these days when so very much time at home, I think!


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