
Tuesday 6 April 2021

Squirrel Nutkin

Seeing a squirrel probably does not count as a sign of spring, but I don't think I've seen any during the winter, so it made me happy to notice one again yesterday (in the old cemetery where I often walk, and which is also where I usually - sometimes - come across squirrels). I think he's still in his winter fur, with the large ear-tufts. (I'm still in winter coat and hat myself!)

"The red squirrel sheds its coat twice a year, switching from a thinner summer coat to a thicker, darker winter coat with noticeably larger ear-tufts (a prominent distinguishing feature of this species) between August and November." [Wikipedia]

Searching my own blog for previous squirrel posts, I find that I seem to have named all of them "Squirrel Nutkin" (after Beatrice Potter's story, first published in 1903). Ah, well. Might as well stick with the tradition! ;)

Our World Tuesday


  1. We have a lot, and see them all year round. But we don't have the Red one, ours are Grey squirrels. Grey squirrels are pushing out the red ones everywhere, and they may soon be extinct.

    1. I don't think we have the grey squirrel here (yet). I seem to recall reading that it is taking over in Britain, though.

  2. we have only the small gray squirrels, no ear tuffs like this and no colors like this. also no winter coats needed..

  3. Ours are the red variety, with some of them being dark brown and some looking almost black. I like their cream coloured bellies!
    Last Friday, I went for a walk with my sister before O.K. arrived to pick me up for the Easter weekend. We came past a row of large old chestnuts, and on one of the trees, there were FOUR squirrels chasing each other, with another two on the next tree! We stood and watched them for a while.

  4. Squirrels look very cute, I've never seen one though.

  5. Who does not love Red Squirrels? Apart from people who are trying primarily to feed birds and keep having the bird tables raided.

    1. Graham, I know they can be a nuisance when "in the wrong place"... I remember a long time ago, back at my previous flat, I had one visiting my balcony once and causing quite a havoc! (We had wooden balcony structures there - and some trees nearby - so I guess they were fairly easy for them to climb.)


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