
Saturday 22 May 2021


The photo is an old one, as I've not been in the mood to be out and about much this week. The thing is, since my 'efficient' Monday morning (see recent post), I've been pretty much knocked out by pollen allergy - related to a sudden explosion of birch pollen (we're having a particularly bad year for that, it seems), combined with the grass season starting up as well. On top of all it turned out I did not have any cortisone spray at home. I'm usually well prepared, but last year I actually did not need the extra cortisone, but got through that season okay with allergy pills + asthma med + natural salt water nose sprays. Now, quite suddenly - no end to the sneezing and swelling and itching...

On Tuesday, I was still not sure how bad it was going to get. On Wednesday, I had several loads of laundry to do (after the one washer in the common laundry room being broken the week before); not easily combined with also going out on errands. (Luckily, at least I did get all the washing done problem-free this time, aside from not feeling well myself.) 

On Thursday morning, after another bad night, I took the bus into town (to a pharmacy) and back. It was the first time in 15+ months (since corona) that I took the bus anywhere! But now I thought of all the trees still busy spreading pollen that I'd have to pass if walking...

To my relief, the non-prescription cortisone spray I bought did prove pretty efficient against the itching, even if it's a bit of a gradual process. I'm still feeling rather exhausted; but now (according to weather forecasts) hopefully looking forward to a rainy week ahead to make things better... (Something one does not say all that often!)

Paul Simon - Allergies (YouTube)


  1. Yikes! Allergies can make you so sick! Mine are in the fall.

    1. They can indeed, Ginny. For me, the fall is much better time for me to "enjoy nature" than spring and summer.

  2. Allergies can be so miserable....and laundry is never ending, isn't it? Happy weekend, Dawn. xo Diana

    1. Thanks for reading Diana; and yes, I agree about laundry being a "never ending" task... ;)

  3. Sorry to read you are so affected this year. O.K. has also been sneezing a lot, and had to take allergy tablets a few times this spring. Now we have had rain and showers so often that the freshly washed air seems to be better for people with allergies.

    1. Meike, I'm enjoying the rain hitting my windows right now... :)

  4. I did not even know there is a song named allergies... i do know about allergies and take Zyrtec year round here in FL and use the spray during the worst of it, which is just now coming to an end. glad you got the laundry done and found the spray and survived your first bus ride

    1. Sandra, the song is from Paul Simon's album "Heart & Bones", 1983. I have it on CD, and allergy problems tend to often bring this song to mind for me! ;)

  5. We are in opposite season here, every Autumn and Spring my sinuses blow up, I take medication for it but sometimes it's just not good enough, I feel your pain.

    1. Thanks Amy. In spite of the weather having been on the chilly side (for May), the allergy has been worse than usual for the season - triggering my asthma as well. Very tiresome!

  6. Your allergies sound severe this season and I hope they slow down soon. The rain will probably help you, as it cleans the air. I listened to the song, maybe the only one ever recorded on that theme.

    1. Thanks Terra. I can't think of another song on the theme of allergy either! ;)


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