
Sunday 2 May 2021

Slow Progress

Horse Chestnut tree

Spring is making slow progress here this year. While some years, everything seems to explode all at once, it's been quite the opposite this year, with very subtle increase of greenery from one day to the next - or indeed, from one week to the next.

Myself I still seem to be in "slow" mode, too, recuperating from the vaccination last weekend. While the worst side-effects wore off in a day or two, I've still had some lingering "harder-to-pin-down" kind of (perhaps) symptoms, like a bit of headache and general tiredness; plus the injection spot staying red and sore and itchy longer than I recall from any ordinary flu-shot. (The latter reaction seems finally to be almost gone today, though.) It's not that I've had any real difficulties coping with things I've needed to do. It's just like everything has seemed to require a bit more effort and "self-peptalk" than usual. 



  1. LOVE THAT fence. yes I do. glad you are feeling better, each day... i seem to be tired all the time but not injection related, just dragging and i think it is stress

    1. Sandra, that's so often how it is with feeling tired, isn't it - it can be related to all sorts of things and often hard to determine what.

  2. I have heard that the more side effects you feel, the more that means the vaccine is working!!

  3. I know what you mean about tiredness, i seem to like going to bed more and more.

    1. Amy, no doubt this past year of having to adjust our lives to a world-wide pandemic has affected us all one way or another.

  4. I hope all side effects are gone by the time you read this, Monica. O.K. has his first jab on Friday and the second one in six weeks. Hopefully, I will be able to get mine some time after I return from my stay here with him. So far, no appointments have been available at the vaccination centre near my home.

    1. Thanks Meike. I'm still feeling a bit tired and uninspired, but I'm not sure I can still blame it on the vaccination. Rainy and temperature back to 6°C here today probably wouldn't feel very inspiring anyway... I hope all goes well for O.K. with his jab, and that it will soon be your turn as well to get it over with.

  5. I'm sorry that you had a bad reaction to the vaccine. At least you'll know that you've got some immunity now. The trees here have gone into slow mode too because our weather has turned bitterly cold. I must go for a walk in the woods to see what is happening there.

    1. Graham, it has turned cold here as well. (Might even snow tonight.) Just talked to a friend on the phone who had a worse reaction to the vaccine. Different vaccine, and different basic 'normal' to start with, so hard to compare. From what I've heard from Swedish friends so far, reactions to the vaccines seem almost as unpredictable as the virus itself.


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