
Monday 21 June 2021

Heat Wave and Chillers


It's been a hot and sunny weekend... Too hot for me to be out much, except for very short walks either in the morning or early evening (and even then more for exercise than for pleasure). So the afternoons I've mostly spent sitting very still behind drawn blinds and curtains, with fans whirring in the background, and watching streamed reruns of old British crime series (to send a 'chill' down my spine...) Just now it's Lewis (spin-off from Inspector Morse, set in Oxford). For some reason, I don't think I've seen more than occasional episodes of this series before. (Possibly because I don't like watching crime series late at night!) 

While the detectives are trying to figure out whodunnit, I usually end up trying to figure out "in what other TV series and as what character have I seen that actor"... While I'm rather hopeless at remembering names of actors (beyond perhaps some particular favourites), the name of the character they played in another context does often eventually come to me. But sometimes not until the next day, and while watching another episode with different actors! 

Meanwhile, Swedish politics has been offering its own nail-biter, in the shape of a major political crisis, resulting in Sweden's parliament today voting for a no-confidence motion against our Social Democrat Prime Minister and his government, which in turn might lead to a snap election in the early autumn. (Next regular election is in 2022.) 

It's a unique situation as it was only made possible by the Left party joining forces with the three right-wing parties (which no one ever thought they'd actually do). The situation after the last election (2018) was very difficult to solve, but ended in a government consisting of the Social Democrats + the Green Party, formally (by written agreement) supported by two "middle" parties (Center and Liberal), but also needing the silent support of the Left party in the parliament (which has kind of been taken for granted). But now there was a proposal coming up (to do with a -possible- change of rental laws) that the Left party just could not support...

So for the first time since corona restrictions, the whole parliament gathered today to cast their votes for or against a no-confidence motion against the present prime minister; with the outcome that the majority of the parliament no longer has confidence in him and his government. And "bang"... Suddenly we're in this most unusual situation - including, of course, a lot of different opinions about who's most to blame for it...


The practical outcome is still uncertain. There are two alternatives, and the prime minister has one week to decide which way to go: Either to call a snap election; or else leave it to the speaker of the parliament to first try a new round of negotiations with all parties to see if there is another way to form a new government. Either way, it's likely to involve difficulties.

Remains to be seen if there is a way out!


  1. I had no idea that all this political intreigue is going on there. Almost as bad as America!

    1. Ginny, at least no one has tried to physically storm the parliament building yet!

  2. The situation in Sweden featured on our main news last night, but of course much shorter. Therefore, thank you for explaining!
    The heat wave here in the South of Germany has broken. After several nights of almost no sleep, it finally felt good to lay in bed again! The sound of rain was very welcome. Now it's gone the other way and the rest of this week is forecast to be pretty much a wash-out.
    I like watching Lewis, but it is not on TV here right now. Yes, many British actors appear in different series; I almost always recognise someone from an episode of Midsomer Murders :-)

    1. Meike, the extreme heat has broken here too now (or passed on). On our regular TV channels here there has hardly been anything but sports lately (or so it seems to me!). I found 'Lewis' when browsing the online SVT Play options, though. As for the political situation, I'm still struggling to understand it myself. Sometimes, I find it kind of helpful to try and put it into words for someone else, though! ;) (Personally I think I still have more confidence in our present PM than any other presumptive candidate, so hope they'll sort it out somehow.)

  3. Because I have friends blog friends all over the entire world I have found that there is not a single country anywhere on this planet that does not have some political entry going on these days. So I'm appear to be worse than others but everybody is having them and I think it's because everybody has a different opinion. Even though Bob and I vote the same we have absolutely totally opposite opinions on almost everything. I really like your living room curtains and this is the first time ever viewing them and I see that you have the sun blocking curtains in the middle which is a great idea especially since you don't have air conditioning but I really love the curtains they're so bright and cheerful. I know you change your kitchen ones out for winter and summer do you change these two

  4. Sandra, political issues and differences of opinion probably go back as far as human societies...! - My living room curtains have been the same since I moved into this apartment 13 years ago. They stay up all year round, I've only had them down to wash them a couple of times. You've probably just not seen them drawn all across the window like this before, because that I only do in extreme heat... Normally they're pushed to the side and then you see less of the pattern. The windows also have blinds. The blackout curtain covers the balcony door, that also enables me to have that door open/ajar behind it to let in air in but not the sun. Often that curtain too remains up even in winter, but pushed to the side so that one hardly thinks about it. I find the combination works "as good as it gets" for this room. Having only blackout curtains would be like living in a cave! ;-) I have blackout ones in my bedroom (drawn at night to shut out early morning sun). In my study I have ones that can be drawn but still let light through. It's only in the kitchen that I change curtains with the seasons.

  5. I feel for you being in the beginning of Summer, I am not a Summer person, the heat and the humidity irritates me, sometimes there's not else you can do except stay inside with the air conditioning on. We are in the beginning of Winter here, I like it.

    1. Amy, I think my favourite season is autumn... with the worst of the summer heat (and allergies!) behind, but still some colour left in nature...

  6. Thank you for the explanation of the Swedish political situation. I'haven't heard whether they are any nearer a decision as to what to do. I hope you'll let us know. I'm certainly in no danger of worrying about the heat. Yesterday I was out wearing a winter coat, scarf and gloves.

    1. Graham, on Monday the PM will have to either call a snap election (to be held within three months), or resign and leave it to the speaker of the parliament to investigate if there is another possibility within the existing parliament to form a new government. (Of course such discussions are already going on, but because of various locked positions there is no "obvious" solution so far.)


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