
Friday 10 September 2021

New Me

About a month ago, I decided it was time I booked an appointment for an eye exam. (Put off for a year or so because of the virus...) As I suspected, new eyeglasses were recommended. 

As anyone who is really short-sighted will know, trying out frames is a dilemma in itself, as one cannot see oneself in the mirror from a distance without actually having the right glasses already fitted... However, I got to take four frames home with me, so was able to take some selfies to help me with the final choice.

I played around with the photos a bit for my own entertainment (and made the collage above), but as I had pretty much made up my mind already in the shop, I decided not to involve anyone else in the process.

Left: my new "allround" progressive glasses. Right: my new "computer" ones. (Those have progressive lenses too, but are optimized for computer work and reading - not for looking at things at a distance.)


I picked up both pairs at the shop yesterday (paying a small fortune). So far, I'm happy with both. As for the computer glasses, I only use those at home, so very few people will ever actually see me in those. But if anyone should get the honour, I suppose it should be You - i.e. my "online" friends! ;)


  1. they both look great, and were both a good choice. i need computer glasses but did not want to pay for them, i am using a pair of glasses from 5 years ago, i keep all my glasses so have 4 pair of different strength, i tried all 4 and one works.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Luckily, the 2nd pair = the computer glasses were 50% off with a current campaign at my optician's. (For me, none of my old pairs were any good for this purpose.)

  2. You look really good in these photos. And I have computer glasses as well. They don't work for anything else.

    1. Thanks Ginny. Mine are progressive so I can use them for reading as well, or other close-up work. (Like, if I'm sitting at the computer, and suddenly think of something I need to do or check on in the kitchen, I don't necessarily need to change glasses just for that.)

  3. You made good choices, Monica, and I really like your top, too!

    1. Thanks Meike. The top is one of my summer favourites (not new - I've had it for years)


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