
Saturday 20 November 2021

Turn On the Lights


The weekend before 1st Advent Sunday in my town is traditionally celebrated by officially turning on the Christmas lights in the city centre and park on Saturday afternoon. Last year I think they cancelled it (not the lights, but the public event) but this year it was announced to take place as usual, at 4 pm today. 

However, rain has been pouring down from dense grey skies all day today, and I did not feel tempted to go out. (The photo above is from another day, when they had just started getting various decorations up.) Actually today was such a dismal wet day that I chose to not set foot outdoors at all. It just didn't seem worth the trouble! (of getting wet etc)

So what to do for alternative exercise? I decided that if the town is turning on the Christmas lights, I might as well take on the job of changing my kitchen curtains - which I'll want done before putting up other decorations for 1st Advent anyway. 

If you've been following me for a few years, you'll know the drill by now... But I snapped a couple of new photos anyway - it's easier than looking up old ones!

The window star and electric candles won't come up until towards the end of next week, though. They're still in a box in my basement storage room. (The curtains, on the other hand, I keep in a chest in my living room, so I did not have to go down to the basement for those.)

Yesterday, the first Christmas card also dropped in! - from a penfriend in England, who is always early with hers:


I've got started with mine to be sent abroad as well - those going "overseas" will probably be posted some time next week. 

Meanwhile, below is a postcard of the latest fashion in Paris 108 winters ago - sent from my great-aunt Gerda to her brother Gustaf in November 1913, from the Capital of Fashion. (If you want to know more, visit my Sepia Saturday post on my blog Greetings from the Past.)



  1. This outfit looks more for fashion than to keep one warm. I have always loved these curtains, they are so cute and cheerful! I like them tied back the best.

    1. Ginny, in that aspect, "catwalk fashion" hasn't really changed much in 100 years, has it? ;) ... As for the curtains, they are always tied back, that first picture is just from hanging them...

  2. I always love following your seasonal changes around your flat, it almost feels like when I pull out my own Advent/Christmas things from the basement. That will happen next Friday, in time for the 1st Advent Sunday.
    My town is still going ahead with their plans for the Christmas market opening this coming Tuesday. Walking in town yesterday, we saw that all the booths are up and ready, as are the lights. I am somewhat worried with infection numbers rising by the minute and being higher than ever before during the entire pandemic.

    1. Meike, the rising number of infections in Europe just now is indeed rather worrying. Sweden like many other countries has just decided on vaccine passes for indoors events (involving more than 100 people), starting in December. I'm not sure I'm really longing for big events yet anyway, though!

    2. covid is on the rise here also, and we had planned to eat out on Thanksgivng, but have changed our plans to staying home. you know i love your red and white curtains and also the beautiful stars and candles you put out. I am ready to see them.... I ordered a new tree, it comes on wed. last year I took the ornaments off the one i had in the nook for years and years and dropped it in the trash bin... its hard to tell what they look like in the computer and i hope i like it.. at least mine is not in the basement but in the hall closet..

    3. Sandra, my stars and candles will follow in a few days... I'll probably fetch some things from the basement storage on Wednesday when I'm doing laundry anyway (as the laundry room is also down there).

  3. I always enjoy your seasonal changes. All the more so because I never make any. Mind you a friend (who happens to live up the road) has told me in no uncertain terms this year I have to get my Christmas decorations out.

    1. Well Graham, we all have our different traditions that matter more or less to us... At least you've got some Christmas baking done! (which is more than I can say for myself so far) But perhaps for your grandson (or a persistent friend) you might stretch to a few decorations as well?? ;-)


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