
Tuesday 14 December 2021

The Angels

It's my tradition to put up my Christmas decorations gradually from 1st Advent to Christmas. For 3rd Advent and St Lucy's Day, I put up my Angels.

The Happy Angelic Choir sings on the window sill in my study.
All of them were gifts from friends through the years.

Three glass angels and a glass Christmas tree reside in the living room window.
These too were all gifts from friends, on various occasions.


My old porcelain Christmas angel (left) and the small one-piece (plastic) crib in my bedroom window were given to me in my early childhood by two 'old ladies', cousins of my grandmother.  The three little wooden shepherds were a gift from a penfriend in Germany.  And the porcelain angel who likes to climb flower pots came as a gift from a friend as well.
I like the fact that all the angels came flying into my life one by one over the years, and as gifts. It reminds me that friends are 'angels' (messengers and helpers) too! :)


  1. How wonderful your friends are real angels! And you have all different kinds. Beautiful, and clever & cute. I think the first ones are my favorite; they are adorable.

    1. Yes Ginny, that "motley crew" of angels makes me smile every time I look at them :)

  2. How wonderful to recall the stories of each of these angels and how they came to your home. The clear glass tree looks like an ice sculpture, cold and beautiful.

    1. Terra, the glass tree also has a holder for a tealight candle at the back. But if I want to use it for that I have to put it somewhere safer!

  3. I must send my Mum the link to this post, Monica. Maybe you remember that she wrote two guest posts about angels, too - the ones in the church where she used to work for charity once a week, and her friends from Australia.
    The angel and mini crib you were given as a little girl are my favourites here.

    1. Meike, I went to your blog and looked up those two posts (by writing 'angels' in the search box). I see they're both from 2012 - I don't think I started following your blog until later. (Well - not that I would remember every post I ever read anyway...) But I read them now. Very impressed with the charity work your mum was involved in. Whatever one's belief (or not) in celestial angels, there are certainly a lot of human ones around who don't always get the acknowledgement they deserve!

    2. Monica, I sent my Mum the link to this post, and she was inspired to write another guest post for my blog :-)

  4. I made some ceramic (hand built) angels and would sell them at pottery shows up until a couple of years ago. The remaining ones sat in the basket in which I carried them and displayed some flat ornaments like snowflakes and choir angels. So what to do with them now? I gladly let some friends go through them and take their picks. I still have a good dozen flat ornaments...I think they will go into Christmas stockings for family members.

  5. all your angels are pretty, i like the pot angel best. the glass ones are really pretty..

  6. Your decorations look lovely, and my favourites are the angels, too. We don't have indoor windowsills here, so there is nowhere to display small items that always look so attractive grouped together. I miss being able to put my Ikea candles in the window - it always looked so welcoming on a dark night.
    Years ago Swedish friends came to visit just before Christmas. They brought us a red candle holder with a small wreath of flowers, red candle and a little china Santa Claus which fits onto the candle and looks as though he's climbing up, or sliding down it. It comes out every year and has never failed to attract compliments. It's so old it's almost become an heirloom!

    1. CG, I love the marble window sills in this flat - they're also of the "alcove" kind rather than just a narrow shelf sticking out from the wall.

  7. Lovely and special that you are displaying your angels around your house, I have a thing for small christmas trees that light up and lights on the fence around my garden.

    1. Amy I have a little Christmas tree too but in my tradition that's the last decoration I put up, shortly before Christmas. :)


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