
Thursday 6 January 2022

The 6th, 12th, 13th or Whatever...

 Christmas was sunny, cold and snowy. New Year was grey, bare and rainy. For today, 6th January, the "Thirteenth Day" of Christmas  (as we call it here)*  - the last holiday of the Christmas season - we're back to snowy and sunny again.  

* (I know in some countries it is counted as the Twelfth rather than the Thirteenth day of Christmas. Why we've not been able to agree on the math, I don't know! )

This time, the streets and pavements are covered with knobbly "frozen slush", though; which means one has to "be careful out there"... I grabbed my camera and my walking poles and ventured out for a slow walk around noon, though. I may not have burned a lot of calories (having to walk very slowly), but at least I was out for about 1-1½ hour enjoying some sunny and wintry neighbourhood views again.



(I did not go down there...)

The last photo is a "panorama view" from down by the river (which means the perspective is a bit twisted compared to real life) . It more or less covers the distance between two bridges, with the possibility nowadays to walk along the river on both sides in between. 

When I moved to where I live now, 14 years ago next summer, there were old factories along the other side of the river, and it was not possible then to walk along the water there. Since then, the industry buildings have been gradually replaced by new tall apartment buildings - but also a new public footpath along the water.



  1. Thanks for sharing these beautiful shots of snow and blue sky with sunshine. That's a great combination, though I'm glad you were careful walking in it, slush and ice are no fun!

    1. Barbara, I try to make the most of the sunny days in winter. Today we're back to more wet snow falling from grey skies...

  2. glad yu did not attempt those snowy stairs, love the sunshine and snow and it would call my name to go out there. love the cemetery, so many different ways to view it

    1. Sandra, I'm glad to have that cemetery nearby, and those paths down by the river too. It's a good place to walk without going far from home.

  3. This is a very cool panorama. I'm glad you did not attempt these steps, they look treachorous! I think my favorite thing here is the beautiful intensly blue sky.

    1. Ginny, the combination of sunshine, blue sky and freshly fallen snow in winter is a quite invigorating change to all the darkness this time of year!

  4. Well as someone who didn't leave the house (except for medical reasons) for 2 weeks until today I envy you, the weather and the beauty of your pictures. Snow is very rare here beside the sea.

    1. Graham, today it's snowing and half-thawing again here, and I'm not likely to set foot outside. (If a snow plow eventually happens to appear, I might make it as far as the rubbish bins. Perhaps.)

  5. Beautiful winter wonderland! You did well, being out there for 1 1/2 hours. Forget the calories, enjoy the daylight and fresh air, along with the views your beautiful town has to offer.
    After a sunny-ish day here yesterday, we‘re now back to grey.

    1. Meike, so are we. So I'm glad I did take advantage of yesterday :)

  6. Stunning photos. I'm not a fan of cold weather, but these would make me want to wrap up warm and take a walk!
    This morning it was an unbelievably chilly 8ºC for the second day running, and I realise that I'll need more than red-hot radiators to keep the house warm. It's built for hot weather!

    1. CG, here we have the opposite problem, complaining when it gets too hot in summer. Our houses are built to keep the heat in, not out :)

  7. These wonderful wintry scenes could easily be replicated right here in Ontario.

    1. I can imagine - I know the climate in the northeast of the US doesn't seem to differ all that much from here either.


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