
Monday 4 April 2022

Visiting an Art Gallery


Today we've had a mix of snow (!) and rain here, and I haven't set foot outdoors.The photo above is from Saturday. Then I went for a walk into town, and passed these spring flowers on the way. The whole month of March was very dry here, and the water level in the river is low at the moment. So no reason to complain about a bit of rain today - but going back to snow did seem rather unnecessary this morning. (It's already gone again now, though.)

Downtown, on Saturday, I visited a small art gallery, situated in a charming old wooden building (one of very few old wooden houses in our town center, as most of those were destroyed in fires in previous centuries). 



The photos above are from the inner courtyard; the entrance to the gallery is to the right in the second picture. 

The current exhibition mixes sculptures by one artist (Annika Wennberg) and paintings by another (Louise Villa). I'm not familiar with either of them since before, I just saw an article in the local newspaper in connection with the opening of this exhibition.

The rough wooden sculptures weren't really "my cup of tea"...
But I liked some of the paintings.

This one, entitled "The Message", was my favourite. If I had had the right space for it, I would have been tempted to buy it. In reality, though, it's probably the kind of painting that, once up on the wall, would not only require changing other paintings and wall hangings around, but might even demand new furniture, carpet, curtains and who-knows-what... ;)


  1. I really like your favorite, it would probably be mine as well. The deep blue and yellow would make a stunning room! The sculptures look like what we call "Primitives".

    1. Yes, "primitive" sounds like a good word for the sculptures, even if they're probably less so than they appear!

  2. i see nothing i like except the beautiful doors with the Fleminsca sign over it. i love that view of the old building. i am not fond of primitives and agree with Ginny they look like those. just not my taste.. you are so right, sometimes one change can throw off the whole scheme of things. stick with your curtains and decor, i love those and you are more talented than they are

    1. Sandra, I was drawn to the colours in that painting, but I think it requires the right setting...

  3. I prefer the paintings to the sculptures, too, but I am sure there is a connection for them to have this exhibition together. A lot of yellow in the paintings makes them attractive for me, of course :-)

    We've had the same type of weather here; a way too dry March and now the beginning of April with rain and snow and (as we speak) much more rain.

    1. Meike, I was (as usual) drawn to the blues more than to the yellows :)

  4. To be honest I don't find any of the artworks particularly attractive although if I had to chose one my choice would be the same as yours.

    1. Graham, although I enjoy visiting art museums and galleries sometimes (as I know you do too) I don't think I've ever bought a painting in that context. (For one thing, I've never really had a lot of money to spend on such things.) In my own home, most of the wall art that I have, I've either inherited, been given, or made myself (back in the 1990s, when I attended water colour classes). The only recently bought addition is two small water colour prints by an artist friend. (I posted about those back in January 2021.) A big painting in strong colours, like the one in this post, I think would demand both space and/or different company, though...


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