
Sunday 10 April 2022

Weekend Fashion Reflections

On a walk downtown last weekend, I snapped some shots of spring fashion on display in shop windows - and managed to catch some reflections of buildings across the square behind me at the same time.  

While "in my head" I've felt tempted to perhaps update my wardrobe with a new item or two for spring, I have to confess that the displays around town just now don't really encourage me to open up my wallet. 

Knitted or crocheted skirt with big holes in it, and ending in a long fringe?? And combined with a shiny sportsy-looking bomber jacket??

 Bulky knitted pullovers so short they'll leave your tummy bare??

Violently pink coat and bag together with orange trousers??

Hmm... I think I'd better hold on to whatever is already in my wardrobe, and await the next fashion change...


 Linking to Weekend Street/Reflections (#63)

Weekend Reflections


  1. Nothing there to tempt me, either.
    Pink and orange combined is only recommended when you really, really want to make sure to catch everybody‘s eyes, or brighten up a particularly grey day 😊

    1. Meike, I tend to agree! :) Orange was popular in my teens back in the 1970s, but as for clothes, I can only recall one orange top I had back then. Various shades of pink have been more common in my wardrobe - but not as bold as that coat (and not combined with orange). I may find use for my existing pink tops this summer!

  2. No, nothing remotely tempting for me either - I guess I'm too old to be lured by the latest fashions and would look ridiculous in them!
    Very occasionally I'll buy something new for my wardrobe, but these days I try to consider the environment, as well as my bank account. I was horrified recently to learn that it takes more than 7,000 litres of water to make a pair of jeans! Apparently the fashion industry is the biggest threat to the environment, and there is talk of a move to persuade people to keep their clothes and wear them longer.
    I'm certainly doing my bit - I'm wearing a sweatshirt I bought in San Francisco in the early 90's!
    An advantage of being retired, I really don't need two wardrobes - one for work and one for socialising.

    1. CG, yes, I've read/heard that about jeans. I've been very much a 'denim girl' myself ever since my upper teens. I'd say the good thing about jeans is that they also last long and never really go out of fashion, though. So as long as they fit, one can hold on to the items on already has!

  3. OMW I just googled articles on the jeans and the environment! had no idea, who would think Jeans could ruin the environment. Horrified is what I am. and there is nothing in your photos that i would want to wear... I told Bob he should come to walmart withme and see what the manequins are wearing, and also what is hanging on the racks. fashion gone WILD

    1. Sandra, I'd love to see what fashion you find at your Walmart :)

  4. I love the pink coat, but not together with the pants. I also like the fringe skirt (it is the hippie in me) but not with the jacket. Love the reflections, too. A two-in-one post!

    1. Ginny, I guess I was never hippie enough! ;) As for pink, I have a couple of pink tops, but would not want anything as big as a coat in that colour...

  5. Im the same with my wallet now, I think being under lockdown quite a few times made me realize that I need to start saving money.

  6. Amy, yes, there is that aspect of it as well, of course - even if in this case, it was more about not finding anything that I wanted to buy!


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