
Saturday 2 July 2022

It's Been Too Hot


Just to sum things up: It's been another week of TOO HOT... Both outdoors and indoors. Too hot to blog, too hot to sleep at night, too hot to be out or otherwise do much during the day. 

During the night to today the heat broke, though. We had some rain, and the outdoors temperature dropped considerably. Today it's also been windy, and I've been able to let some fresh air in and bring the indoors temperature down a bit as well. I was also able to go out after lunch (walking to the supermarket for a few things). Back home, with a cup of tea (and a bowl of strawberries), I re-watched an episode of a TV series that I seemed to recall also having watched yesterday (but then my boiling brain couldn't make sense of it).

And now I seem to also have written a blog post, even if hardly one of my most inspired.

 Even the river has been looking kind of tired and dusty this week. 


  1. I can remember very hot weather when we've been in Sweden during July or August.
    It's been too hot here too, but we'd expect it to be. Today I woke to heavy cloud and almost gale force winds, so no need to walk the dog at 7 a.m., as we have been doing. It's still very windy and cooler, which is a blessing, and it's averaged 22-23º overnight which has made it easier to sleep.

    1. CG, heatwaves in summer are not uncommon here, but I do think they've become more frequent in later years. Perhaps also lasting longer. Not sure I can quite trust my memory, though... I think one tends to mostly remember the weather when related to special events (like when being away on holiday).

  2. The river still looks beutiful to me. so what have the temperatures been? Do you use centigrade? Here, we are in the middle of at least a week long heatwave in the 90's, farenheight.

    1. Ginny, yes we use Centigrade - and Fahrenheit numbers make as little sense to me as Centigrade do to you, so I always have to use conversion sites. Some afternoons my thermometers have shown above 30'C (= 86'F) outdoors on the shady side of the building, and on my balcony in the sun around 39'C (102'F). How hot it actually feels also has to do with humidity and wind, though. Indoors it's been up to around 27'C (=80.6'F) which is definitely way over my comfort zone.

  3. the river does look a little dusty, glad you had a break, I feel your pain, there is no way to get UN-hot without AC. I lived 2/3 of my life without ac in the hot south. hard to do

    1. Thanks Sandra. Raining again today and outdoors down to 16-17'C (61-62'F), I'm happy to say...Which means I've also been able to bring the indoors temp down to almost normal.

  4. Depends on how much humidity you get there, when we lived in the North Island of NZ the humidity was sometimes up to 100%, now that we are living in the South Island apparently it's more like a dry Summer, I'm kind of looking forward to it.

    1. Amy, you're right - how the heat feels also has a lot to do with humidity. The day just before the heat breaks by thunder is often the worst...

  5. If even the river looks dusty and tired, how much more the roads, fields and gardens will!
    Similar to your weather, we had a cooler night from Friday to Saturday, very refreshing. Today (Sunday), we are back to around 30C - it will be ‚fun‘ later this evening to pull down the stalls etc. of the village fête here which lasted all weekend and saw us manning the Flammkuchen stall yesterday from 9:00 pm until 2:00 am this morning.


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