
Saturday 27 August 2022

A Rainy Day

Oops. Seems a week has gone by without blogging... Not much happening. Some afternoons have again been too hot both for walking very far, or for spending much time in my study. I walked into town for minor errands a couple of times, but without taking photos. Today it's been raining for a change. Warnings issued for possible violent downfalls, thunder and flooding - but so far none of that just here. It's just been gently but steadily raining, straight down. I went for a half-hour "umbrella walk" after lunch, without getting very wet . Left the camera at home, but snapped a few photos with the phone.

At home, I've started tidying some drawers. One of those never-ending projects, as they always seem to untidy themselves automatically within a few weeks (or even days) - even if you could sometimes swear you've not even opened them since the last round of tidying! ;-)


  1. The patterns of the raindrops on the water are pretty.

    1. Always a bit of a challenge to see if I can 'capture' them, Ginny!

  2. Like you, I have not done much walking last week for it being so hot, and also for lack of time. And also similar to you, we have finally had some rain, of the same steady, gentle kind you describe! It was so, so very welcome.
    Today the sun is back but it is not quite as hot today, I think, only about 27C and not above 30.

    1. Cooler here now, Meike - more like around 20'C. Still mostly grey with a light drizzle today.

  3. It seems such a surprise to see your photos of rain after such a long period of warm, sunny weather.
    We too have had thunder, lightning, and rain, but ours was an absolute deluge lasting about half an hour. When the dog went out for her night-time forage around the garden, there was no sign that the heavens had opened less than an hour before, the ground and tiled areas were completely dry. I think the water had just evaporated on the hot surfaces. All that's left is a sandy film on every surface.
    We've had some nice cooling evening breezes since the rain, but at the moment it's 31ยบ and sunny. Looking at the long-term forecast it seems that September will be almost as hot as this month!

    1. CG, as I'm not very good with that kind of temperatures, I can't say I envy you! More of a relief to me that it looks like cooler weather is about to take over now - but still with a bit of sun, if the forecasts are right.

  4. I am a huge fan of rain photos and raindrops too. and what is it with drawers and closets and cabinets that once arranged they are quickly disarranged.

    1. Sandra, taking photos in rain is a challenge in more ways than one - and not made easier by trying handle an umbrella at the same time! ;-) As for the drawers and closets etc, I can only agree. I do sometimes wonder what they get up to behind closed doors! (lol)

  5. Umbrella walks are very pleasant. I used to do it with my daughter when she was a little girl.

    1. David, umbrellas are excellent in light rain falling straight down. With strong winds involved, it's a different story, though! ;-)

  6. A little bit of rain over Summer is always needed, we have dodged a few Spring heavy rain warnings here.

    1. Amy, we've had a sunny summer with less rain than normal; but both drought and thunderstorms with heavy rainfall have struck harder elsewhere.


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