
Saturday 13 August 2022

I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

 ... but here it is anyway...

We've been having a sunny week, and the Rose Garden in the City Park is in full bloom. These photos were taken on Tuesday, when the temperature was also rather pleasant for a walk downtown. The rose garden looked pretty much the same today - but it was several degrees (C) hotter. Too hot for my liking, really - but not much to do about that, except sit and have an ice cream in the shadow for a while before walking back home again (along the river, and in tree shadow where possible).


  1. Oh, theseare gorgeous! And so much variety in the color! my favorite is the orange. the park workers do a really good job keeping it alltrimmed and mowed as well.

    1. Ginny, the roses seem to have no complaint about the weather this summer!

  2. and a gorgeous rose garden it is! I can't pick a color for favorite, all of them are beautiful. I think about what I would do if I had to walk every where like you do, or take public tranportation in this heat. I would not like it at all...

    1. Sandra, where you live it would probably be more difficult to manage without a car!

  3. Love love love roses, I can't wait to grow them again.

    1. Wish you luck with yours, Amy! As I don't have a garden, I just enjoy them where I happen to find them... :)

  4. What a spectacular display! In spite of the heat, the roses and ice cream made for a pleasant walk.
    I have one rose bush in my garden, and it's been flowering more or less continually since January - even in the coldest weather. Seeing the beautiful selection in your park I wonder if I shouldn't try to grow a few more!

    1. CG, I wouldn't have attempted the walk yesterday if not for knowing I could find shadow along the way. Luckily I'm able to walk most of the way to the park across an old cemetery with big trees, and then along the river.

  5. Beautiful roses, and they don't seem to be affected much (if at all) by heat and drought. The palace grounds here do look a little sorry right now, with most of the meant-to-be green grass now being brown and yellow, and the flowers wilting visibly unless they happen to be in one of the shadier spots at the bottom of the valley.

    1. Meike, I think we've had more rain and less of the really extreme heat here than you have. Plants and lawns in parks and churchyards also get watered by sprinklers when needed (no restrictions that I've heard of).

  6. Lovely to see roses in full bloom. Here everything is burned up, but I think your roses probably come out later than ours anyway. Our best month is June and they were wonderful then. Icecream is always good!

    1. Jenny, yes, we're usually a bit behind you with the seasons for various flowers to be in their prime. Plus, we've head less of the extreme heat and drought compared to Britain and southern Europe.


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