
Thursday 15 September 2022


Autumn colours keep creeping in day by day now - starting with the trees growing in dry spots that did not get quite enough rain during the long hot summer, I think...

With all the votes from the election counted, we 'sort of' have a result now - even if it's still hard to tell what exactly will follow. The 'right-wing' bloc ended up with a clear but narrow majority in the parliament: 176 seats vs 173. The 'old' prime minister (Magdalena Andersson, leader of the Social Democrats, who became our first ever female PM only nine months ago) has handed in her resignation. But she and her government will remain as interim government until a new one has been formed. That is now up to the new PM candidate, the leader of the Moderate party. Not really a straight-forward task, though, as one of the four parties in the new constellation is the controversial nationalist party, the Sweden Democrats (who were actually more successful in this election than the Moderates). I'll leave it at that for now, as political analysis and speculation isn't really my strength!



  1. Sorry to hear right wing was the lead in the election. They are more scary than regular conservatives these days...a leaning toward autocracy and fascism around here.

    1. Barbara, yes, that's one of the concerns - even if opinions obviously vary as to how legitimate...

  2. Beautiful, and so different from where I live, where it's still quite hot.

    1. SPP, in some ways autumn is my favourite time of year - if only it wasn't inevitably followed by a too long period of winter!!

  3. Sounds complicated!
    Beautiful colours in your photos. Here, especially the big old horse chestnut trees Ludwigsburg is famous for have already put on their autumn colours. But now that we are finally having some of the rain we so badly needed in the summer, the grass and some of the woodland looks much greener and refreshed and not at all autumn-like.

    1. Thanks Meike. I haven't seen much change in the horse chestnut trees here yet but that is of course only a matter of time! (as always)

  4. Love the stunning colours in the photos.
    My very first visit to Sweden was around this time of year, and I was amazed at how much further forwards into autumn nature was. I loved (and still love) the vibrant colours and the way the trees changed so quickly after the first frosts. Walking through leaves in the silent forest still remains a happy memory.

    1. Thanks CG. We actually haven't had any frosty nights yet, which is why I think the summer drought plays a part in some trees already changing colour and dropping their leaves anyway.

  5. beautiful fall colors, with still a lot of spectacular green thrown in. wow on the building taller than the trees

    1. Sandra, I'm not really keen on very tall buildings myself - but those living at the top probably do have a spectacular view!

  6. Thanks Terra. I love the autumn, although at the same time there's always a certain sadness involved.


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