
Thursday 22 September 2022

Covid or Not Covid?


White orchids in my kitchen window, one sunny morning a week or so ago.

I was just about to start looking at booking an appointment for my 5th covid booster shot around this weekend - but I think I may have to postpone it for a bit longer, as today I started to suspect that I may have caught a touch of the "the thing itself"... Even if no typical (cold) symptoms so far; and no idea where I may have picked it up. (No doubt I've been in and out of a shop or two; but only briefly.)

Yesterday was Laundry Day for me, which for me involves a few turns down to a common laundry room down in the basement. No special problems with that yesterday (the room was empty and clean when I got down there, the machines in working order, and I didn't have more than normal to handle) - but somehow I felt I got more tired than usual. On the other hand, I'm kind of used to a varied degree of aches and pains and fatigue, without always being able to pin down exactly why. So didn't think all that much about it.

After I was done with the laundry, I also persuaded myself to go out for a short walk. But in the evening I was still feeling unusually tired, and went to bed early. Also had a bit of an upset stomach - but not too dramatic. Slept okay - in fact, probably woke up less often than usual - but still felt exhausted in the morning + headache + muscle aches. Didn't exactly feel hot (nor cold), but decided to take my temperature. Was a bit shocked to find it to be 37.8'C (normally 36.5), as I still had no other symptoms of infection (nose, throat, cough etc). Well, at least that confirmed I wasn't just imagining things! Spent a bit of time googling covid symptoms (again). I already know they can be very vague, though, and not the same everyone. So I didn't end up much wiser. Took some paracetamol and decided to stay in for the day and see how things developed. 

As I had had frozen chicken fillets thawing in the fridge over night, I had to prepare those (for roasting in the oven), tired or not. And chop various ingredients for a salad. That went okay; and I've also been eating pretty much as normal, even if perhaps feeling a bit less hungry. The temperature went down after I took the paracetamol. I stayed in all day, but in the afternoon did some "vacuuming exercise" (which was also on my to-do-list for today). So can't say I've been feeling all that poorly. Now it's evening. I still haven't developed any "cold" symptoms. Maybe I won't. I guess I'll just have to take one day at a time for a few days - and stay away from other people. (Well, I had no special plans anyway. Except trying to get that 5th covid shot!)


  1. Do you have access to a Covid test? That could certainly give you some peace of mind (though I hear tests over several days are sometimes needed.) My granddaughter only had a lack of smell ability, which is one of the clues it's Covid. I hope you feel better, whatever it is.

  2. A couple months ago I had symptoms like you describe, took a home Covid test which was negative. Have you considered taking a home test? I hope you are well.

  3. Barbara & Terra, I have one self-test but haven't used it so far as I suspect it works best if one has classic cold symptoms (nose/throat), which I don't. They say that kind of test is only reliable if it turns out positive. If negative, one could still have covid. So I'll wait and see how!things

    1. ...oops... So I'll wait and see how things (symptoms) develop over the next couple of days. Just now, I'm feeling better.

  4. The orchids look beautiful.
    I do hope that you haven't succumbed to the virus, although it does seem very difficult to diagnose. Hope you're feeling better now.
    This morning I went supermarket shopping and for the first time forgot to put my mask on. There were just two people wearing them and hopefully I haven't picked up the latest variant. I've been so careful throughout both pandemics, although of course I could have had a very mild form and not even been aware of it.

  5. CG, no fever this morning and no other symptoms added either. I think the effect of the vaccines probably kicked in. A friend I spoke to on the phone last week told me of a similar experience - she was 'knocked out' for a day, but then felt quite back to normal again.

    Sweden stood out in the pandemic as requiring masks only in health care situations and for a while in public transport. Since we've reached a high degree of vaccination, one sees very few people here wearing masks now (except in health care). I don't think I've worn one myself since back in spring. I might go back to using them at the supermarket etc in the winter, though, as there's generally more viruses circulating in winter here.

  6. I closed your blog because I could not comment, sent you and email to tell you why, came back and now I can. Blogger is at it again.
    may be blogger has your strange disease. ha ha. sorry you are ill and hope it is not the dreaded C-19 or variant and is a 24 hour bug of some sort

    1. Sandra, just sent you an email answer. Feeling better today but am going to assume it was covid and stay away from shops etc for a few more days. Have been out for a walk today though (keeping my distance to other people no problem).


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