
Thursday 8 September 2022

Geraniums and Politics


Because of the roof work going on in spring/early summer, I never got round to buying any flowering plants for my balcony this year. When I could reclaim the space, I took out this geranium just for a bit of extra greenery out there, though - it wasn't in bloom then and hadn't been since last year when I bought it. Now, a week into September, with the nights getting cooler (even if not yet frosty) it has suddenly changed its mind and decided to bloom after all. It's of a type that we call "English" - what they call it in England, I'm not sure!

As mentioned in a post related to my birthday at the end of August, we have a general election coming up in Sweden on Sunday (11 September). So intense election campaigning and speculations going on over the past couple of weeks. Although I chose to vote in advance this time, there is of course no getting away from all the last-minute media debates. I've continued to follow those, and alas it keeps looking very likely that we're headed for a similar kind of mess as after the previous election, four years ago - i.e. without a clear majority to form a stable government. (We have eight parties in the parliament, and on each 'side' there's one or two who won't negotiate with one or two others.) With the war in Ukraine, our own country on the verge of joining NATO (if Turkey decides to let us in), and galloping energy crisis and inflation, it's a bit of a nail-biter situation, to say the least.



  1. Oh no, not another government mess! It's all a country needs these days, isn't it... If only people would pull together and work at solutions rather than create more problems.
    Your geranium is a great splash of colour!

    1. Meike, ironically that's what all of them claim to be doing (while at the same time accusing the major opponents of not doing it)...

  2. we too are in the nail biting mess and so are the countries of all the bloggers I follow. this politic thing is crazy and seems crazier than it used to be

    1. Sandra, I agree. I guess it's always been crazy though, but news travel so much faster these days. Just after I posted this yesterday I heard of the death of Queen Elizabeth in England. The changes brought about by that will probably keep dominating the world news now for quite a while as well.

  3. Politics are a minefield.
    Years ago, my husband thought he'd like to try his hand (as he put it) at local politics, and if he was successful, pursue things further. This made me laugh and when he queried my reaction, I told him he was neither argumentative nor confrontational enough to succeed! Fortunately, he decided I was probably right!
    Your geraniums are a nice splash of colour. Not sure, but I think they are called Pelargoniums here. I have something almost identical, in a wild form growing in a couple of flowerbeds in the garden. They come up faithfully every year and over-run all the other plants. They are now happily running riot amongst a Hibiscus.

    1. CG, no doubt being a politician demands a lot both of the person in the limelight and of their families... As for the geraniums, actually the Swedish name for them is 'pelargon' - and I've never yet managed to quite figure out whether in English there is a difference between geranium or pelargonium. (Geranium has seemed to me the name most widely used; but maybe that has changed.)

  4. I'm thankful our general elections aren't until next year, they are usually quite a fiasco with all parties (like they all do) behaving like children with name calling etc. I"m not looking forward to it

  5. Amy, there is of course a lot of that here too. Sometimes I kind of wish the parties would leave the forming of coalitions until we have the actual result. But the same time I understand why they feel a need to "plan ahead". The thing is, with any party you vote for you'll get at least three more into the bargain whether you like them or not... As the days of one party having a clear majority of the voters behind them are long gone.


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