
Sunday 25 September 2022

Keep Walkin' ...

 If anyone is wondering, I'm still fever-free and haven't developed any cold symptoms. So I suppose I can count "whatever-it-was" over with. (Cf the two previous posts.) But I'll probably be staying home most of the week to come anyway - as it seems we're now headed for a more rainy period. And it's also my regular home-delivery shopping week.

Yesterday (Saturday) was still a quite pleasant autumn day, though - mild and still, even if the sky mostly overcast. I took advantage of that to sweep and remove my plastic floor mats from the balcony - a job which is preferably done in dry weather. And we're now well past the "barefoot" season... I still have a chair out there that I can use if the sun pops out on an afternoon, though.

I also went for another walk in the neighbourhood - with my proper camera, to catch some more autumn colours. As I'm not sure what the week to come will be like, I think I'll save some of the photos "for later"... (like the Queen and Paddington Bear with their marmalade sandwiches)... But here are some to start with - from a modern block of apartment buildings by the river.


  1. Good to see that thought and care were put into the surroundings of the apartment blocks. A bit of grass and a few trees and shrubs can make a huge difference. Nice colours, and even more so against the grey backdrop of the sky.

    1. Meike, yes, the yellows appear almost self-luminous this time of year...

  2. Autumn really has arrived for you, but good that you could still get out and about before the rain.
    It's certainly heading towards autumn here too, this morning I woke to heavy rain, and now, although it's dried up and the sun is out, it's just 22ºC with a cool wind. Not really holiday weather today!

  3. Lost my comment! Darn it! Love your photos. We are still not seeing fall colors here yet. Very unusual for us this time of year. Have a wonderful week. xo Diana

    1. Diana, I wonder where comments go when they don't even make it to the spam folder?? Glad you successfully tried again!


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