
Saturday 22 October 2022

Broken Tooth, New Government, and First Frost

Another week gone by... (I wonder how many blog posts over the years began with that very phrase?) 

On Tuesday, I had a dental appointment; and much as I suspected, it turned out an old crown was broken, and needed replacing. (It came out as soon as the dental hygienist gently poked it.) It will be a similar big job as with another tooth back in spring - I know "the drill" by now... (ha ha) So here I am with a temporary filling, and needing to be inventive with my meals for a while again. Got a lengthy (1 hr) appointment at the end of the month for "preparations", and then I'll have to wait a couple of more weeks or so for the crown to be made, and another appointment to have it fitted... 

Well, to look on the bright side - it's autumn, and a good season to try out soup recipes...

Tuesday was also an Important Politics Day, and besides my visit to the dentist's I spent a good deal of it in front of the TV, as it it was the day our new Swedish government was introduced (the result of negotiations between four parties that have been going on since the election back in September). 

Regeringen 221018

The new prime minister is the rather short man in the middle (Ulf Kristersson). Basically, the new government consists of representatives from three right-wing parties, with a fourth large one lurking in the shadows behind them. (I.e. with no official representatives in the government, but pulling quite a few strings anyway. Not least when it comes to stricter migrations politics.)

In what ways they will live up to their promises (or threats, depending on the point of view) remains to be seen. (Like so many other countries we're still in a situation of nearly half the population having wished for a different outcome of the election.)

Wednesday was laundry day for me (as it often is). It was also a sunny day for a change (after a number of rainy ones), so between turns to the laundry room, I continued with winter preparations on the balcony: like wrapping the wooden bench out there in a tarpaulin. I also took in a couple of geraniums - one of them about to bloom. (Crazy plant/s... They've had all summer, and choose not to produce flowers until the end of October!) Good thing I did, because that night we did get the first frost. (Which killed off the remaining painted nettles; but I had counted on that. I have more of those indoors.) Continued my "autumn cleaning" of the balcony on Thursday afternoon (which was also sunny). The strawberry plants are rather hardy, though, so they'll be up for a while yet. (Before it gets seriously wintry, I'll put them in hibernation beneath the tarpaulin-covered bench.) I also went out for two walks: Before lunch to the supermarket for a few "extras" (as it was the week between my online-order weeks); and again in the afternoon, "just for a walk" (and some photos).

Man made Leaf Blowers competing with the forces of Nature this week!

On Friday we were back to grey and rainy (and a bit milder). I seemed to spend a good deal of that day messing up the kitchen by making soup from whatever I could find in the fridge that might suit the purpose. I did follow a basic recipe for carrot soup that I found online, but as usual I didn't have all the suggested ingredients, or the right proportions of them, so exchanged this for that and that for this... The result was a carrot-onion-ginger-potato-red lentils-chicken bullion concoction. Frozen in portions and might be improved by some actual pieces of chicken thrown in when I heat it up... (No photos. I had my hands full!)

Today, another grey day, catching up with a bit of this and that (including blogging).


  1. It makes me so nervous to have one of those temporary caps. I am always afraid it will come out, or that I will swallow it. But it looks like you are being really careful. Gosh, that's a long time to wait!

    1. Ginny, it makes me nervous as well - but I've already practiced being nervous for a while (not trusting that tooth)... I've survived the procedure before, though, so I probably will again!

  2. The soup you made sounds delicious and I hope your new crown and the waiting go smoothly.

    1. Thanks Terra. At least I'm past the stage of wondering whether it is something or nothing! ;)

  3. I remember you telling us about your big dental job earlier this year. Hopefully, you‘ll be sorted for many years to come after this!
    You did well in making use of the beautiful autumn weather for walks. The photos are beautiful!
    So Sweden has now a firmly right government. It does not sound quite as scary as what‘s been happening in Italy, but the overall tendency across Europe is worrying.

    1. Meike, I'm afraid with a mouth full of old fillings and crowns already, similar things are likely to continue to happen. I guess I'll just have to be grateful as long as it's "fixable"...

  4. yet another trial by broken tooth! takes such a long time. good thing you like soups. I just lost my long comment, that makes me almost as crazy as POLITICS! Lovely trees and awesome shot of the colorful leaves

    1. Sandra, as my ordinary diet includes quite a lot of raw salad vegetables and wholegrain etc, trying to find "softer" (but yet healthy) alternatives is a challenge. I like soup better in winter than I do in summer, though! - Sorry about your lost comment, I hate it when that happens to me.

  5. How quickly the year has flown - it seems no time since you were preparing for summer and unwrapping your bench and putting your flowers outside.
    Sorry to hear about the dental work ahead of you - I hope it goes smoothly and with the minimum of discomfort. I fear it's something I'll be facing before too long.
    It's much colder here too - 21º at the moment but forecast to reach 26º or 27º later in the day. Once the clocks go back at the weekend, I think it will noticeably cooler everywhere - even here.
    Like the sound of your soup. I often make a very tasty one using diced onions, red pepper, courgette, aubergine, and adding a container of chicken stock and a large tin of pureed tomatoes and seasoning. Like you I portion it up and put it in the freezer. For summer, have you tried making Gazpacho? It makes an excellent chilled summer soup. Must confess that I'm lazy and buy mine ready made from the supermarket.

    1. CG, I'm not very inventive (or brave) when it comes to food and cooking, so usually stick to a few simple standard recipes, with slight variations. Looked up Gazpacho, but I'm no fan of garlic (nor the idea of cold soup, really). The carrot soup now was inspired by the fact that I had a bunch of carrots, and with my current dental status dare not eat them raw!! (lol)

  6. It sounds like the process for making crowns is similar to what happens here except in the last few years some dental surgeries are making their own crowns rather than sending them off to the lab.

    1. Amy, I think I have some 'in situ' made crowns as well, but the one that will be replaced now was a porcelain crown; and those they order from a lab.

  7. I think it has been quite a few years since I visited your blog. Maybe way back to ABC Wednesdays or something like that. Thanks for leaving a comment on mine.
    I hope your temporary tooth stays put..that's a long time to have to be "careful"
    UMmmm I do love soup and yours sounds delicious.

    1. Thanks Sue. I don't participate in as many memes these days, but sometimes recent posts by "old friends" pop up on my dashboard reading list... :)


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